CSS font-language-override Property

The font-language-override property controls the use of the language-specific glyphs. This property can be specified by two values: normal and <string>. The "string" must match a language tag. For example, "TRK" for Turkish.

By default, the HTML lang attribute instructs the browser to display glyphs which are deigned for a certain language.

The font-language-override property overrides the typeface behavior for a specific language. It's helpful because when the typeface does not have proper rules in one language, you can use glyphs of another language which follow similar rules.

Initial Value normal
Applies to All elements. It also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line.
Inherited Yes.
Animatable Discrete.
Version CSS3
DOM Syntax object.style.fontLanguageOverride = "normal";


font-language-override: normal | <string>;

Example of the font-language-override property:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>The title of the document </title>
      .example1 {
        font-language-override: normal;
      .example2 {
        font-language-override: "DAN";
    <h2>Font-language-override property example</h2>
    <p class="example1">Default language setting.</p>
    <p class="example2">Here the font-language-override is set to Danish.</p>


Value Description
normal Instructs the browser to use font glyphs that are appropriate for the language specified by the lang attribute. This is the default value of this property.
<string> Instructs the browser to use font glyphs specified by the string.
initial It makes the property use its default value.
inherit It inherits the property from its parents element.

Browser support

chrome edge firefox safari opera
4.0 -webkit-

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