How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about CSS

How to Animate the Background of the Progress Bar

On this page, we’ll demonstrate how to animate the background of a progress bar created with the HTML <progress> element. Read this snippet to find the answer.

How to Center a Text Inside the CSS :before Pseudo-Element

In this snippet, you will find out how it is possible to center a text within the CSS :before pseudo-element. Try an example and find its description to make it clear.

How to Select the Next Element in CSS

In this snippet, you can find out how to select the second element that directly follows the first one. For that, you need to use the adjacent sibling combinator (+).

What is the Difference Between the "inline" and "inline-block" Values of the CSS display Property

In this snippet, you can see what is the difference between the inline and inline-block display in CSS. We’ll demonstrate an example to show their difference.

How to Add Indentation for the Second Line of an Ordered List

On this page, you can find out how it is possible to add an indentation for the second line of ordered lists. Read our snippet and find a solution to the problem.

How to Vertically Align Two <div> Elements with Bootstrap

In this tutorial, learn how you can vertically align two <div> elements with Bootstrap. On this page, we’ll demonstrate some examples for Bootstrap 3.4.1 and 4.5.0.

What does the CSS Tilde (~) Selector Mean

In this snippet, we will introduce what is the subsequent-sibling combinator (~), why and how it is used. Try some examples to have a better understanding of it.

How to Align the Last Bootstrap Menu Item to the Right

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how you can align the last menu item to the right in Bootstrap. Read the snippet and find some solutions to this problem.

How to Detect Device Orientation with CSS Media Queries

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss the CSS orientation media feature, which helps to detect the screen orientation in CSS. Read and try some examples.

Why and How the Bootstrap sr-only Class is Used

In this snippet, you can learn about the sr-only class and see how it is used in Bootstrap. To find more information, read our snippet and try examples.

How to Create an SVG Drop Shadow

On this page, you’ll find information on creating an SVG drop shadow. For that purpose, you can use the SVG <feDropShadow> element or the CSS filter property.

How to Create an Animation with a Delay in CSS

In this tutorial, learn how to create an animation with a delay in CSS. To achieve the goal, use the CSS animation-delay and animation-fill-mode properties.

How to Prevent the Appearance of Lines Around a Circle Created with clip-path

On this page, you will find out how it is possible to prevent the appearance of lines around a circle, which is created with the CSS clip-path property.

Which is Better to Use in CSS: px, em, or rem

In this snippet, we’re going to discuss which measurement unit (px, em, or rem) is better in CSS, what are the differences between them. Read and find the answer.

Is It Possible to Use the CSS @media Rule Inline

In this snippet, you will find out why it is not possible to apply CSS @media rules inline. Read this snippet to learn how to apply them in the internal style.

Is It Possible to Nest an HTML <button> Element Inside an <a> Element in HTML5

In this snippet, learn whether it’s possible to nest a <button> tag within an <a> in HTML5. To have a button linking to somewhere, you need an alternative solution.

How to Change the Color of the First Word in a Text

In this tutorial, you can see how to change the color of the first word of a text. For that, use the CSS :before pseudo-element with the content property.

How to Hide Elements in a Responsive Layout

On this page, we are going to demonstrate how to hide elements in a responsive layout. Read this tutorial to find out how to use CSS and Bootstrap for that purpose.

How to Relatively Position an Element without It Taking Space in the Document Flow

On this page, we’re going to demonstrate how you can relatively position an element without it having to take space in the document flow. Use CSS properties.

How To Make a <div> Element Extend to the Page Bottom Even Having No Content

In this snippet, we will show how to make a <div> element extend to the page bottom even when it has no content. Read the tutorial and find some examples.

How to Add a Background-Color for the Text Width Instead of the Entire Element Width

On this page, you will find how to set a background-color for the text width instead of the width of the entire element. Choose the appropriate method and try examples.

How to Make a Fixed Page Header Not Overlap In-Page Anchors

On this page, we’ll demonstrate how to make a fixed header not overlap in-page anchors. For that, you’ll need CSS properties. Read the tutorial and find examples.

How to Add a Fixed Width Column with CSS Flexbox

On this page, you will find out how to add a fixed-width column with the help of CSS Flexbox. To achieve this, you need to use the flex or flex-basis property.

How to Remove the CSS :hover Behavior from an Element

On this page, learn how to remove the CSS hover behavior from a specific element. For that, you can use the CSS pointer-events property or :not() pseudo-class.

How to Make Rounded Corners Hide the Overflow in Opera/Chrome

In this tutorial, find out how to make rounded corners hide the overflow in Opera and Chrome. Read our snippet and find some examples to solve the problem.

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