How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about BACKGROUND

How set background drawable programmatically in Android

To set a background drawable programmatically in Android, you can use the setBackgroundDrawable method of the View class.

How to Add a Background-Color for the Text Width Instead of the Entire Element Width

On this page, you will find how to set a background-color for the text width instead of the width of the entire element. Choose the appropriate method and try examples.

How to Add a Blur Filter to the Background Image

Learn How to Apply a Blur Filter to a Background Image with W3docs tutorial. Follow up the steps and create a blurred background image for your website.

How to Add a Glass Background Effect to the Text

If you want to make your website eye-catching and creative read this snippet and learn to create a glass background effect for your text step by step.

How to Add Background Image with CSS

To add background image to your HTML document you should use CSS styles.

How to Add Multiple Background Images with CSS

Read about how to use multiple background images with the help of background-image, background-position, background-repeat properties. Also, see examples!

How to Animate the Background of the Progress Bar

On this page, we’ll demonstrate how to animate the background of a progress bar created with the HTML <progress> element. Read this snippet to find the answer.

How to Center a Background Image Inside a Div

In this tutorial, find out how you can center your background image within a <div> element. For that, use the CSS background and background-size properties.

How to Change the Background Image on Scroll Using CSS

Create an attractive effect for your website learning how to change the background images on scroll. Also, see nice examples!

How to Change the Input and Button Images with CSS

It may be difficult to style buttons, especially when we need to change them to images. You can change buttons to images with <input> and <button> elements.

How to Convert an Image into a Grayscale Image With CSS

Learn the steps to make an image grayscale or black and white using either filter or background-blend-mode properties. See examples.

How to Create a Blinking Effect with CSS3 Animations

In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to create a blinking effect for a text or background easily. To achieve this goal, you need to use CSS3 animations.

How to Create a Fullscreen Image Slider with Pure CSS

Creating a fullscreen slider is an easy thing to do with the help of HTML and CSS properties. Read the tutorial and create your own cool fullscreen slider easily.

How to Create a Parallax Scrolling Effect

Before creating a website choose an impressive design to attract your visitors and increase user engagement. One of the trendy effects is Parallax effect. Also, find beautiful examples!

How to Fix CSS Issues on Safari

Browsers serve the web page content differently that is why while using some CSS properties, problems may occur on Safari. Read the snippet and find out a tricky way to solve this problem.

How to Give a Text or Image a Transparent Background Using CSS

Use CSS3 opacity property to make an image or a background transparent. Learn also how to change the opacity while hovering. All with examples.

How to Make a Semi-Transparent Background with CSS

One design feature that can cause difficulty is a semi-transparent background. We’ll show how to make a transparent background with an opaque text on it.

How to Make Images Responsive with CSS

Responsive images automatically adjust to display images based on the user’s device. Learn How to Make Images Responsive with CSS. Try examples.

How to Make the Div Height to Auto-Adjust to the Background Size

It is possible to make the <div> to automatically adjust to the background size without setting a specific height or min-height. In our snippet, we’ll show how this can be done.

How to Remove Background Image in CSS

The background image is manipulated with the background-image property. But you may need to remove the background image, and we’ll show how it can be done.

How to Resize Background Images with CSS3

Learn about the ways of resizing and creating responsive background images. Use the CSS background-size property for that purpose. See examples.

How to Scale Images and Background Images on Hover

Learn about the ways of how to zoom images and background images, transform, zoom in, zoom out and other effects with examples.

How to Set an Equivalent of the "cover" Value of the background-size Property for an <img> Tag

In this snippet, we’ll show how you can set an equivalent of the “cover” value of the background-size property for the <img> tag. Use the object-fit property.

How to Set Background Color with HTML and CSS

Learn how to set a background color in general, how to have gradient and changing background colors with examples.

How to Set the Size of the Background-image

Learn How to Set the Size of the Background-image. Use the background-size property. In this snippet, we’ll show you how to do that with examples.

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