How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about MOBILE

How can I edit a .jar file?

A .jar file is a Java Archive file that contains compiled Java code and resources (such as images, sounds, etc.) that can be used by Java applications.

How to Create a Responsive Layout with Grid

The best thing for a custom web design is considered a responsive grid system. Learn the ways to create a responsive grid layout with examples!

How to Disable Zoom on a Mobile Web Page With HTML and CSS

One of the most common inconveniences both developers and users face is the zoom on mobile web pages. Well, we’re here to help you fix that problem.

How to Make Images Responsive with CSS

Responsive images automatically adjust to display images based on the user’s device. Learn How to Make Images Responsive with CSS. Try examples.

How to print to the console in Android Studio?

To print to the console in Android Studio, you can use the Log class from the android.util package.

How to Redirect Mobile Devices With JavaScript and CSS

Learn How to Redirect Mobile Devices With JavaScript and CSS. 1.JavaScript Method, 2. CSS @media Method. Fast solution for web developers.

How to Resize Background Images with CSS3

Learn about the ways of resizing and creating responsive background images. Use the CSS background-size property for that purpose. See examples.

How to Resize Images Proportionally for Responsive Web Design With CSS

Learn how to resize images to have a responsive web design. Use HTML attributes or CSS width and height properties. See examples and practice the methods for yourself.