How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about TEXT

How to Add a Fade out Text Effect with CSS

If you want to use beautiful effects for texts and make your Website more eye-catching, read our snippet, try examples and learn to create fade out text effect.

How to Add a Glass Background Effect to the Text

If you want to make your website eye-catching and creative read this snippet and learn to create a glass background effect for your text step by step.

How to Add a Mouseover Text with HTML

In this tutorial, find out how to create a mouseover text description without Javascript. Use the HTML <div> or <span> element with the “title” attribute.

How to Add a Text on the HTML5 <canvas> Element

In this tutorial, you’ll find out how to add text on the HTML5 <canvas> element. For that, you need Javascript. Use the fillText() and strokeText() methods.

How to Add a Vertical Text with CSS Cross-Browser

If you have faced the problem of drawing a vertical text, you can use the transform property. Find out how to use this property to create a vertical text with CSS Cross-Browser.

How to Add an Animated Text Over an Image on Hover With CSS3

Know how to put an animated text over a faded image on hover using only CSS3. For that purpose, use the transition and the opacity properties. See examples!

How to Add Lines Before and After the Heading Text

If you are tired of standard heading styles then read this snippet and learn to add lines before and after heading giving it an attractive and unique style.

How to Add the Marquee Effect without Using the Marquee Tag (with CSS, JavaScript and jQuery)

Learn the alternative ways of having continually scrolling text without using the obsolete <marquee> tag. See examples with CSS animations, JavaScript and jQuery.

How to Align the Placeholder Text of an Input Field in HTML

The ::placeholder pseudo-element allows styling the placeholder text of a form element. Here you will find out how to align an input field’s placeholder text.

How to Center the Text in the HTML Table Row

In this snippet, we’ll demonstrate and explain examples of centering a text in the table row. For that purpose, you can use the CSS text-align property.

How to Change Default Text Selection Color Using CSS

Use the CSS ::selection selector to change the default highlight color while selecting texts. Use only CSS and do cool tricks to have a better user experience. All with examples.

How to Change Link Colors with CSS

Learn about how to change hyperlink colors, inline and external methods with examples. See also how to give different styles to your anchor link and to change underline color with examples.

How to Copy the Text to the Clipboard with JavaScript

Copying the text to clipboard makes it easier using the web page, so users will definitely like this functionality. You can create it by the help of JavaScript and we’re here to help you.

How to Create a Blinking Effect with CSS3 Animations

In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to create a blinking effect for a text or background easily. To achieve this goal, you need to use CSS3 animations.

How to Create a Blurry Text in CSS

One of the best effects to stylize your text, is making it appear blurred. In this snippet, we are going to show you two methods of creating a blurry text. So here we go.

How To Create a Glowing Text

Catch your user’s attention with beautiful glowing text created with only CSS. See examples and get the code snippet to create your own glowing text.

How to Create a Multicolor Text with HTML and CSS

If you want to make your Web page more attractive using multicolor texts, read our snippet, find out 3 ways of creating ones and see examples.

How to Create a Shining Text Animation Effect

If you want to make your Website attractive and interesting for the visitors, read our snippet and learn to create a shining text animation effect.

How to Create a Typewriter Text with Pure CSS

You must agree that a text that looks like it is being typed across the screen looks quite attractive. Did you know that you can apply a typewriter effect to your own text by using pure CSS? Now we are going to do that together, step by step!

How to Create an Anaglyphic Text Effect with CSS

If you want to add some 3D effects to your text, anaglyphic text effect is a great solution. Read this snippet, try our examples and create one for yourself.

How to Create an Animated Filled Text with CSS

If you are looking for ways for making your website more imaginative, read this snippet and learn to create an animated filled text due to our examples.

How to Create an Image with Transparent Text with CSS

How to Create an Image with Transparent Text Using CSS. Learn about the methods that can be used to overlay text on images. Try examples.

How to Create Drop Caps for the Text

If you want to give an original style to your Website, you can read this snippet and create a drop cap style for your texts via CSS first-letter pseudo element.

How to Create Knockout or Cutout Text Effect with CSS

Use mix-blend-mode and text-fill-color CSS properties for having knockout text. Add also animations to them. See examples.

How to Disable Text Selection Highlighting Using CSS

Stop being copied by others with just simple and quick technique! Read the snippet and know how to prevent copying from your site disabling text selection highlighting.

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