How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about GIT COMMIT

Best and Safe Way to Merge a Git Branch into Master

Cannot find a best and safe way for merging local branch into master? Check this tutorial which opens up the right method you need for solving this problem.

How to Add a Submodule in Git

Working with submodules is a common practice in Git. Here, we will represent to you the commands that will help you to add a submodule to a repository.

How to Change Commit Message In Git

Don’t underestimate the role of the commit message, as it is important for managing the work. In this snippet, you will find the steps to change your commit message.

How to Change Older or Multiple Git Commit Messages

Sometimes, you need to go back to the older commits and modify commit messages. In this tutorial find how to change the older and multiple commit messages.

How to Checkout the Previous Branch in Git

This tutorial provides an easy way of checking out the previous branch. Find a shortcut to the command line to save your time and an experimental solution.

How to Combine Multiple Git Commits into One

Don’t overload your git log with meaningless commits. Combine multiple commits into one with the help of our tutorial. See the explanation with codes.

How to Copy a Version of a Single File from One Git Branch to Another

orial and find several solutions to the problem of copying a version of a single file from one branch to another. Also, read important tips.

How to Make Git Forget About a Tracked File Which is Now in .gitignore

Read this git tutorial and learn how you can force Git to forget about a file that was tracked but is now in .gitignore list.

How to Move Git Branch Pointer to Different Commit

Read the tutorial to learn several techniques of moving branch pointer to different git commit without checkout and the essential tips one should encounter.

How to Move the Recent Git Commits to New or Existing Branch

This tutorial provides you with useful information about how to move the latest commits to a new or existing branch, without changing the original branch.

How to Pull the Latest Git Submodule

Learn more about git submodules in this short tutorial. Here you will also find out how to pull the latest git submodule in a relatively fast and easy way.

How to Push an Empty Commit in Git

Dive deep into the quirky realm of empty Git commits. Discover why and how to push an empty commit, and when it might just save your day (or at least your code)!

How to Rebase Git Branch

Don’t waste your time struggling with Git. Here you can find the three commands that you should run to rebase your branch. See the explanation with codes.

How to Reference the Initial Git Commit

This Git tutorial will provide you the best and appropriate explanation concerning the question of referencing the initial commit in a git repository.

How to Remove Files from Git Commit

This tutorial will help you get the answer to the question of removing files from git commit based on different scenarios. Also, read about used commands.

How to Reset or Revert a File to a Specific Version in Git

There are cases when you need to revert or reset a file to a specific version. With the help of this tutorial you will easily manage it.

How to Retrieve Hash for Commits in Git

Git allows recovering wrong changes in a project. This tutorial shows how to find information about the latest commit and get the latest commit’s hash.

How to Revert "git rm -r"

This tutorial provides the information of answering to the question of reverting git rm -r, and differences between reverting git rm -r . and git rm.

How to Revert a Git Repository to a Previous Commit

Read this tutorial and learn how to temporarily switch to different commit, hard delete unpublished commits, and undo published commits with new commits.

How to Search Git branches for a File or Directory

Read this tutorial and learn what are the basic git commands that can suggest a solution to the problem of searching for a file of a directory by a path.

How to Stash Git Changes

Don’t know how to stash the dirty state of the working directory and save it on a stack of incomplete changes? See how to stash with the given steps.

How to Stop Tracking and Start Ignoring in Git

This snippet explains how to stop tracking and ignore changes to a file in git.

How to Undo Git Add

Sometimes, it is necessary to undo something while working in Git. Find your fast solution for undoing git add in this snippet.

How to Undo Pushed Git Commits

Read the tutorial and learn the solution to one of the most frequent questions concerning the method of reverting already pushed commit with simple command.

How to Undo Recent Commits in Git

Git has a lot of greatest advantages and one of them is considered undoing recent commits. Find several ways of undoing changes and get a copy of the codes.

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