JavaScript Regex: Patterns and Flags in Depth

Introduction to JavaScript Patterns and Flags

Regular expressions (regex) are essential tools in JavaScript for pattern searching and data validation. This comprehensive guide deepens your understanding of regex patterns and flags, enhancing your JavaScript skills.

Common Patterns List

Here are some commonly used patterns:

  • \w: Matches any word character (alphanumeric character plus underscore). Equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_].
  • \W: Matches any non-word character. Equivalent to [^a-zA-Z0-9_].
  • \d: Matches any digit character. Equivalent to [0-9].
  • \D: Matches any non-digit character. Equivalent to [^0-9].
  • \s: Matches any whitespace character (spaces, tabs, line breaks).
  • \S: Matches any non-whitespace character. Equivalent to [^\s].
  • .: Matches any character except for newline (\n).
  • ^: Asserts the position at the start of a line.
  • $: Asserts the position at the end of a line.
  • \b: Matches a word boundary (position between a word character and a non-word character).
  • \B: Matches a position that is not a word boundary.
  • \t: Matches a tab character.
  • \n: Matches a newline character.
  • \r: Matches a carriage return character.
  • \\: Matches a literal backslash.
  • \f: Matches a form feed character.
  • \v: Matches a vertical tab character.
  • [abc]: Matches any single character within the brackets.
  • [^abc]: Matches any single character not within the brackets.
  • a|b: Matches either a or b.
  • (abc): Matches the exact sequence abc.
  • a?: Matches a zero or one time.
  • a*: Matches a zero or more times.
  • a+: Matches a one or more times.
  • a{3}: Matches exactly 3 occurrences of a.
  • a{3,}: Matches 3 or more occurrences of a.
  • a{3,5}: Matches 3 to 5 occurrences of a.
  • (?i): Enables case-insensitive matching.
  • (?:...): Non-capturing group.
  • (?=...): Positive lookahead assertion.
  • (?!...): Negative lookahead assertion.
  • (?<=...): Positive lookbehind assertion.
  • (?<!...): Negative lookbehind assertion.

Understanding Patterns

The regex pattern is enclosed between slashes (/pattern/flags).

Example: /H.llo/g

  • Pattern: H.llo matches any string starting with 'H', followed by any single character (.), and ending with 'llo'.
  • Flag: g indicates global search.
  • Quantifier: . matches exactly one character.

Patterns in regular expressions are used to define the string you are searching for. These patterns can include various characters, character classes, and special symbols.

Now let's see some examples:

Example 1:

let pattern = /\d+/g; let text = "There are 123 apples and 456 oranges."; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["123", "456"]
  1. Pattern: \d+ matches one or more digit characters (\d+).
  2. Flag: g indicates a global search.
  3. Quantifier: + matches one or more occurrences of the preceding element (\d).

Example 2:

let pattern = /\D+/g; let text = "123 apples"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // [" apples"]
  1. Pattern: \D+ matches one or more non-digit characters (\D+).
  2. Flag: g indicates a global search.
  3. Quantifier: + matches one or more occurrences of the preceding element (\D).


Quantifiers define how many instances of a character, group, or character class must be present in the input for a match to be found. Here are some commonly used quantifiers with examples:

  • + - Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding element.
let pattern = /\d+/g; let text = "123 4567 89"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["123", "4567", "89"]

This pattern matches sequences of one or more digits.

  • * - Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding element.
let pattern = /\w*/g; let text = "123 ABC"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["123", "", "ABC", ""]

This pattern matches sequences of zero or more word characters.

  • ? - Matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding element.
let pattern = /colou?r/g; let text = "color or colour"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["color", "colour"]

This pattern matches 'color' or 'colour'.

  • {n} - Matches exactly n occurrences of the preceding element.
let pattern = /\d{3}/g; let text = "123 4567 89"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["123", "456"]

This pattern matches exactly three digits.

  • {n,} - Matches n or more occurrences of the preceding element.
let pattern = /\d{2,}/g; let text = "1 22 333 4444"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["22", "333", "4444"]

This pattern matches sequences of two or more digits.

  • {n,m} - Matches between n and m occurrences of the preceding element.
let pattern = /\d{2,3}/g; let text = "1 22 333 4444"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["22", "333", "44"]

This pattern matches sequences of two to three digits.


Flags are optional parameters that allow for global searching, case-insensitive searching, and more. Here are some commonly used flags with examples:

  • g - Global search.
let pattern = /\d+/g; let text = "123 456 789"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["123", "456", "789"]

This flag allows for finding all matches in the string.

  • i - Case-insensitive search.
let pattern = /hello/i; let text = "Hello, HELLO, hello!"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["Hello"]

This flag makes the search case-insensitive.

  • m - Multi-line search.
let pattern = /^Hello/gm; let text = "Hello\nHello\nHello"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["Hello", "Hello", "Hello"]

This flag allows ^ and $ to match the start and end of each line in the string.

  • s - Allows . to match newline characters.
let pattern = /H.llo/gs; let text = "Hello\nHallo\nHullo"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["Hello", "Hallo", "Hullo"]

This flag allows the dot . to match newline characters as well.

  • u - "Unicode"; treat the pattern as a sequence of Unicode code points.
let pattern = /\u{61}/u; let text = "a"; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["a"]

This flag enables full Unicode matching.

  • y - "Sticky"; matches only from the index indicated by the lastIndex property of this regular expression in the target string.
let pattern = /\d/y; let text = "123 456"; pattern.lastIndex = 4; let result = text.match(pattern); console.log(result); // ["4"]

This flag allows the search to start at a specific index in the string.

Testing Patterns: regexp.test()

The test() method verifies if a pattern exists within a string, returning true or false.

let pattern = /world/; console.log(pattern.test("hello world")); // Output: true

This code checks for the presence of "world" in the string.

Replacing Text: str.replace()

The replace() function allows you to modify strings by replacing parts of them with new text.

let greeting = "Good morning, Jane!"; let updatedGreeting = greeting.replace(/morning/, "evening"); console.log(updatedGreeting); // Output: "Good evening, Jane!"

This code replaces "morning" with "evening".

Searching Text: str.match()

The match() method retrieves the matches of a pattern within a string, useful for pulling specific data.

let message = "Find numbers: 12, 34, 56"; let numbers = message.match(/\d+/g); console.log(numbers); // Output: ['12', '34', '56']

This code finds all numbers in the text.

Regex Syntax in JavaScript

Regular expressions use special characters to define patterns. Here's a detailed example using multiple elements of regex syntax:

let complexPattern = /^(\w+):\/\/([\w.-]+)\/(\S*)$/; let url = ""; let result = url.match(complexPattern); console.log(result);

This regex pattern decomposes a URL into its components:

  • ^(\w+): Matches any word character (equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]) at the start, representing the protocol.
  • :\/\/: Matches the "://" literally.
  • ([\w.-]+): Matches one or more word characters, dots, or hyphens, representing the domain.
  • \/(\S*)$: Matches a slash followed by any non-whitespace characters until the end, representing the path.

More Details:

This JavaScript code verifies whether a web address fits a detailed pattern.

  • Setting up the pattern: The pattern is structured to capture different components of a web address: the protocol (like "https"), the domain name (like ""), and the path (everything after the domain).
  • Testing the web address: The code tests "" against this pattern.
  • Showing the result: If the web address matches, the code outputs the parts that correspond to the pattern.

Expected Result: The output is an array with the following elements:

  1. The entire web address: "".
  2. The protocol used: "https".
  3. The domain name: "".
  4. The path and query string: "pathname/?search=test".

Practical Applications of Patterns and Flags

Regex is used in various scenarios to enhance JavaScript applications:

Validating User Input

Regex helps ensure that user inputs meet certain criteria, which is crucial for data quality and security.

let usernamePattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,16}$/; let username = "user_2023"; console.log(usernamePattern.test(username)); // Output: true

This code checks if the username consists of 3 to 16 alphanumeric characters or underscores.

Extracting Information

Regex can extract specific information from large texts or data sets efficiently.

let data = "Order ID: 12345. Date: 2024-05-19."; let idPattern = /Order ID: (\d+)/; let orderId = data.match(idPattern)[1]; console.log(orderId); // Output: '12345'

This JavaScript code extracts a specific piece of information from a text string.

  • Defining the text: The code starts with a string called data that contains details about an order, including an order ID and a date.
  • Setting up the pattern: It uses a pattern (idPattern) to look for the phrase "Order ID:" followed by a series of digits. This pattern is designed to capture the numeric part right after "Order ID:".
  • Extracting the order ID: The code searches the data string for a match to idPattern. When it finds a match, it retrieves only the digits part (ignoring the "Order ID:" text), which represents the order ID.
  • Displaying the result: It then prints this order ID to the console.
Always test your regex patterns using tools like to ensure accuracy and efficiency before implementing them in your code.


Mastering regex patterns and flags in JavaScript is vital for handling text manipulation, data validation, and search operations effectively. These tools make your JavaScript applications more robust, efficient, and user-friendly. Explore various patterns and flags to improve your coding expertise and application performance.

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