ECMAScript 6 (ES6) in JavaScript

ECMAScript 6 (ES6) is a significant update to the JavaScript language that introduced many new features, making JavaScript more powerful and efficient. This guide provides a detailed exploration of ES6, offering comprehensive explanations and multiple code examples to help you master these new capabilities.

Introduction to ES6

ES6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, brought many improvements and new features to JavaScript. These changes have made the language more modern and easier to work with, enhancing both readability and maintainability.

Let and Const

One of the most notable changes in ES6 is the introduction of let and const for variable declaration. These new keywords offer better scoping rules and are essential for writing robust code.


The let keyword allows you to declare variables that are limited in scope to the block, statement, or expression in which they are used.

let x = 10; if (true) { let x = 20; console.log(x); // 20 } console.log(x); // 10

In the example above, x declared inside the if block is a separate variable from x declared outside. This demonstrates block-level scoping provided by let.


The const keyword is used to declare variables whose values are never intended to change. It is block-scoped like let.

const y = 30; y = 40; console.log(y) // Error: Assignment to constant variable.

In this example, attempting to reassign a value to y results in an error because const declares a constant whose value cannot be changed.

Always use const for variables that do not need to be reassigned to prevent accidental changes.

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions provide a concise syntax for writing function expressions. They also lexically bind the this value, making them particularly useful for writing short functions.

const add = (a, b) => a + b; console.log(add(5, 3)); // 8

Here, the arrow function add takes two parameters and returns their sum. The concise syntax makes the code more readable and compact.

Use arrow functions for concise syntax and to maintain the lexical this context.

Template Literals

Template literals make it easier to create strings, especially when embedding variables or expressions. They use backticks (`) instead of quotes.

const name = 'John'; const greeting = `Hello, ${name}!`; console.log(greeting); // Hello, John!

This example shows how template literals allow you to embed the variable name directly into the string, improving readability and convenience.

Default Parameters

Default parameters allow you to initialize function parameters with default values if no values are provided.

function multiply(a, b = 1) { return a * b; } console.log(multiply(5)); // 5

In this example, the multiply function assigns a default value of 1 to b if no second argument is provided, ensuring the function always returns a valid result.

Destructuring Assignment

Destructuring assignment is a convenient way of extracting values from arrays or objects into distinct variables.

Array Destructuring

const numbers = [1, 2, 3]; const [a, b, c] = numbers; console.log(a, b, c); // 1 2 3

This example shows how array destructuring allows you to assign the values of the numbers array to individual variables a, b, and c.

Object Destructuring

const person = { name: 'Jane', age: 25 }; const { name, age } = person; console.log(name, age); // Jane 25

In this example, object destructuring extracts the name and age properties from the person object into separate variables.

Enhanced Object Literals

ES6 enhances object literals, allowing for a more concise and readable syntax.

const x = 10; const y = 20; const obj = { x, y, sum() { return x + y; } }; console.log(obj.sum()); // 30

Here, the object obj uses shorthand property names and method definitions, making the object literal more concise.


Promises provide a way to handle asynchronous operations more efficiently, avoiding callback hell and making the code more readable.

const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => resolve('Success!'), 1000); }); promise.then((message) => { console.log(message); // Success! });

In this example, a promise is created that resolves after 1 second with the message 'Success!'. The then method is used to handle the resolved value.

Use promises to handle asynchronous operations cleanly and avoid callback hell.


ES6 introduced classes, providing a clearer and more concise syntax for creating objects and dealing with inheritance.

class Person { constructor(name, age) { = name; this.age = age; } greet() { console.log(`Hello, my name is ${}.`); } } const john = new Person('John', 30); john.greet(); // Hello, my name is John.

This example demonstrates how classes in ES6 offer a clean and intuitive syntax for defining objects and their behavior.


Modules allow you to break up your code into separate files and import/export functions, objects, or primitives between files.


// math.js
export const add = (a, b) => a + b;


// main.js
import { add } from './math.js';
console.log(add(2, 3)); // 5

In these examples, the add function is exported from math.js and imported into main.js, demonstrating how modules facilitate code organization and reuse.

Rest and Spread Operators

Rest Operator

The rest operator (...) allows you to represent an indefinite number of arguments as an array.

function sum(...numbers) { return numbers.reduce((acc, num) => acc + num, 0); } console.log(sum(1, 2, 3, 4)); // 10

In this example, the sum function uses the rest operator to gather all arguments into an array, making it easy to perform operations on them.

Spread Operator

The spread operator (...) allows an iterable (like an array) to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments or elements are expected.

const arr1 = [1, 2, 3]; const arr2 = [4, 5, 6]; const combined = [...arr1, ...arr2]; console.log(combined); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

This example shows how the spread operator can be used to combine arrays into a single array, simplifying the code.

Iterators and Generators


Iterators are objects that allow you to traverse through a collection, such as an array or string.

const arr = [1, 2, 3]; const iterator = arr[Symbol.iterator](); console.log(; // 1 console.log(; // 2 console.log(; // 3

In this example, the iterator provides a way to access each element in the array sequentially.


Generators are functions that can be paused and resumed, providing a powerful way to handle iterables.

function* generateSequence() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; } const generator = generateSequence(); console.log(; // 1 console.log(; // 2 console.log(; // 3

This example shows how a generator function can yield values one at a time, pausing execution between each yield.


Symbols are a new primitive data type introduced in ES6. They are unique and immutable, often used to create unique object keys.

const symbol1 = Symbol('description'); const symbol2 = Symbol('description'); console.log(symbol1 === symbol2); // false

In this example, symbol1 and symbol2 are unique, even though they have the same description.

Maps and Sets


Maps are collections of key-value pairs where the keys can be of any type.

const map = new Map(); map.set('name', 'Alice'); map.set('age', 25); console.log(map.get('name')); // Alice console.log(map.size); // 2

This example demonstrates how to create a map, set key-value pairs, and retrieve values.


Sets are collections of unique values.

const set = new Set([1, 2, 3, 3]); console.log(set.has(2)); // true console.log(set.size); // 3

In this example, the set only contains unique values, even though 3 was added twice.


Proxies allow you to create a proxy for another object, enabling you to intercept and redefine fundamental operations.

const target = { message: 'Hello, World!' }; const handler = { get: (obj, prop) => { return prop in obj ? obj[prop] : 'Property not found'; } }; const proxy = new Proxy(target, handler); console.log(proxy.message); // Hello, World! console.log(proxy.nonExistent); // Property not found

This example shows how a proxy can intercept property access, providing a custom response when the property is not found.

WeakMap and WeakSet


WeakMap is similar to Map but only allows objects as keys and does not prevent garbage collection if there are no other references to the key object.

let obj = { name: 'John' }; const weakMap = new WeakMap(); weakMap.set(obj, 'value'); console.log(weakMap.get(obj)); // value obj = null; // The object is now eligible for garbage collection


WeakSet is similar to Set but only allows objects as values and does not prevent garbage collection if there are no other references to the object.

let obj = { name: 'Jane' }; const weakSet = new WeakSet(); weakSet.add(obj); console.log(weakSet.has(obj)); // true obj = null; // The object is now eligible for garbage collection


ES6 brings a wealth of features that make JavaScript a more robust and efficient language. By understanding and utilizing these features, developers can write cleaner, more maintainable code. This guide has provided an in-depth look at the most important aspects of ES6, complete with examples to help you get started.

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Which of the following features were introduced in JavaScript ES6?

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