JavaScript Comparison Operators

Comparison operators in JavaScript are essential for making decisions in your code by comparing values. This guide provides a deep dive into JavaScript comparison operators, enriched with practical examples, clear explanations, and a special focus on some unusual behaviors that can occur with certain data type comparisons.

Introduction to Comparison Operators

Comparison operators compare two values and return a Boolean value (true or false) based on whether the comparison is true. There are several key comparison operators in JavaScript:

  • == (Loose equality)
  • === (Strict equality)
  • != (Loose inequality)
  • !== (Strict inequality)
  • > (Greater than)
  • < (Less than)
  • >= (Greater than or equal to)
  • <= (Less than or equal to)

Each operator has a specific role, and understanding the differences between them is crucial for accurate programming.

Loose vs. Strict Comparison

Loose Equality (==)

console.log(1 == "1"); // Outputs: true

Explanation: Here, 1 and "1" seem different (one is a number and the other is a string), but == changes both to the same type before comparing them. This is why they are considered equal.

Strict Equality (===)

console.log(1 === "1"); // Outputs: false

Explanation: This time, 1 and "1" are not considered equal because === checks if the value and the type are exactly the same. Here, they are not the same type.

Inequality Operators

Loose Inequality (!=)

console.log(1 != "2"); // Outputs: true

Explanation: 1 and "2" are different. != also changes types to compare, but since the values are different after type conversion, it returns true.

Strict Inequality (!==)

console.log(1 !== "1"); // Outputs: true

Explanation: Here, !== finds the values different because it checks without changing the type. Since the types (number vs. string) are different, it returns true.

Relational Operators

let x = 5; let y = 10; console.log(x < y); // Outputs: true console.log(x > y); // Outputs: false console.log(x <= 5); // Outputs: true console.log(y >= 11); // Outputs: false

Explanation: These examples show basic comparisons:

  • x < y is true because 5 is less than 10.
  • x > y is false because 5 is not greater than 10.
  • x <= 5 is true because 5 is equal to 5.
  • y >= 11 is false because 10 is not greater than or equal to 11.

Practical Applications of Comparison Operators

Sorting Functions

let numbers = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9]; numbers.sort((a, b) => a - b); console.log(numbers); // Outputs: [1, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9]

Explanation: This code sorts numbers in ascending order. The sort function compares each pair of numbers, arranging them from smallest to largest.

Conditional Logic

let age = 20; if (age >= 18) { console.log('You are an adult.'); } else { console.log('You are not an adult.'); }

Explanation: This code checks if age is 18 or more. If yes, it prints "You are an adult." If not, it prints "You are not an adult."

Detailed Comparison: == vs ===

In JavaScript, understanding the difference between == (loose equality) and === (strict equality) is essential for writing precise and bug-free code. Here we'll explore these two operators in depth, illustrating how they differ and why you might choose one over the other.

Loose Equality (==)

Loose equality, represented by ==, compares two values for equality after converting both values to a common type. This type coercion can lead to unexpected and sometimes confusing results because it allows for equality checks across different data types.

console.log(1 == "1"); // Outputs: true console.log(true == 1); // Outputs: true console.log("2" == 2); // Outputs: true


  • 1 == "1": Although one is a number and the other is a string, JavaScript converts them into a common type (number) before comparison.
  • true == 1: JavaScript converts true to 1 and then compares the values, which are the same after conversion.
  • "2" == 2: Here, the string "2" is converted to the number 2, leading to a match.

Strict Equality (===)

Strict equality, represented by ===, compares both the value and the type of two variables. If either the value or the type differs, the comparison will return false. This operator does not perform type coercion, thus it provides a more predictable and reliable way to compare values in JavaScript.

console.log(1 === "1"); // Outputs: false console.log(true === 1); // Outputs: false console.log("2" === 2); // Outputs: false


  • 1 === "1": Returns false because one is a number and the other is a string. Even though the values could be considered similar, the types are different.
  • true === 1: Returns false as the types differ (boolean vs number).
  • "2" === 2: Returns false because the string "2" is not the same type as the number 2.

When to Use == vs ===

  • Use == if: You need type coercion. This might be useful in cases where you expect the data types to vary but you only care about the value. However, be cautious, as this can lead to hard-to-catch bugs due to unexpected type conversions.
  • Use === if: You require both value and type to be the same. This is generally safer and should be your default choice to avoid unexpected results due to type coercion.

Importance of Understanding == vs ===

JavaScript's type coercion can lead to some tricky situations, especially for beginners who might not be aware of how and when JavaScript converts types. Understanding the difference between == and === is critical in ensuring your code behaves as expected. It helps prevent bugs that arise from unforeseen type conversions, making your code more robust and reliable.

By consistently using === in your code, you can avoid many of these pitfalls and ensure that your comparisons are always clear and accurate. This practice is highly recommended to maintain the integrity of your codebase and to adhere to best practices in JavaScript programming.

JavaScript's Weird Behaviors

JavaScript sometimes shows weird behavior when comparing unusual data types:

console.log([] == 0); // Outputs: true console.log([] == ![]); // Outputs: true


  • [] == 0: An empty array is considered equal to zero because when the array is converted to a number, it becomes 0.
  • [] == ![]: This seems very weird, but here's what happens: ![] converts the array to a boolean (which is true because arrays are truthy), then negates it to false. When comparing [] to false, both are converted to numbers (0 and 0), hence they are "equal."

Let's delve into more examples of JavaScript's unusual behavior in comparisons and other operations.

Comparing Arrays and Objects

JavaScript's loose equality checks can yield unexpected results when comparing arrays and objects due to how these data structures are converted and compared.

console.log([] == []); // Outputs: false console.log({} == {}); // Outputs: false console.log([] == ![]); // Outputs: true


  • [] == [] and {} == {}: Even though both sides of the comparison seem identical, they are different instances in memory. JavaScript checks object and array equality based on their memory address, not their contents.
  • [] == ![]: This strange result happens because ![] converts the array to a Boolean first (arrays are truthy, so ![] becomes false), and then [] is loosely compared to false. Both are converted to 0 in the process, resulting in true.

Null vs. Undefined

The comparison between null and undefined with loose equality also shows unusual behavior, but they do share some similarities in JavaScript.

console.log(null == undefined); // Outputs: true console.log(null === undefined); // Outputs: false console.log(null == 0); // Outputs: false console.log(null > 0); // Outputs: false console.log(null >= 0); // Outputs: true


  • null == undefined: JavaScript treats null and undefined as loosely equal, which is an exception in the loose equality rules.
  • null === undefined: Since they are different types, strict equality returns false.
  • null == 0, null > 0, and null >= 0: null converts to 0 when compared using relational operators. It's not equal to 0 but is considered greater than or equal to 0 due to how the relational comparison is implemented in JavaScript.

Boolean and Non-Boolean Comparisons

Comparing booleans to non-booleans using loose equality can lead to counterintuitive results due to type coercion into numbers.

console.log(true == 1); // Outputs: true console.log(false == 0); // Outputs: true console.log(true == 2); // Outputs: false console.log(true == "1"); // Outputs: true console.log(false == "0"); // Outputs: true


  • true == 1 and false == 0: In JavaScript, true converts to 1 and false to 0, hence these comparisons return true.
  • true == 2: Since true converts to 1, it does not equal 2.
  • true == "1" and false == "0": The strings are converted to numbers, matching the numbers that true and false convert to.

Using for Comparisons

For those needing precise comparisons, especially with edge cases like NaN and +0 vs. -0, JavaScript provides

console.log(, NaN)); // Outputs: true console.log(, -0)); // Outputs: false console.log([] == [], [] == [])); // Outputs: false


  •, NaN): Unlike the equality operators, correctly identifies two NaN values as the same.
  •, -0): distinguishes between positive and negative zero, which equality operators do not.
  •[] == [], [] == []): Reflects the true comparison nature of [] == [], which is always false.

Understanding these weird behaviors in JavaScript not only helps in avoiding potential pitfalls but also enhances the ability to debug complex issues effectively.

These examples illustrate why it's often safer to use strict comparison operators (=== and !==) that do not convert types automatically. This helps avoid unexpected results in your JavaScript code.

Use strict comparison operators (=== and !==) in JavaScript to ensure type and value accuracy. This prevents unintended type coercion, making your comparisons more predictable and reliable. For instance, 0 === '0' yields false, highlighting the importance of matching types.

Best Practices

  • Prefer Strict Operators: Use === and !== to avoid errors from automatic type conversion.
  • Clear Conditions: Make your conditions clear and straightforward, especially when they involve comparisons.
  • Test Edge Cases: Always check edge cases in your comparisons, especially when handling user inputs or variable data types.


Understanding comparison operators in JavaScript is crucial for making correct decisions in your programs. By following these guidelines and understanding both typical and atypical behaviors, you can write more reliable and predictable code. As you continue to explore JavaScript, use these operators judiciously to manage various programming challenges effectively.

Practice Your Knowledge

Which of the following comparison operators can be used in JavaScript?

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