Anchors in JavaScript: String Start and End

Introduction to Anchors in JavaScript

Anchors are special characters in regular expressions that allow you to match positions within a string rather than actual characters. The two primary anchors in JavaScript are ^ (caret) and $ (dollar sign). The ^ anchor asserts that the match must start at the beginning of the string, while the $ anchor asserts that the match must occur at the end of the string. Understanding and using these anchors effectively can significantly enhance your ability to manipulate and validate strings in JavaScript.

The ^ Anchor: Matching the Start of a String

The ^ anchor is used to check if a string starts with a specific pattern.

Using the ^ Anchor

const regexStart = /^Hello/; console.log(regexStart.test('Hello, world!')); // true console.log(regexStart.test('Say Hello, world!')); // false

In this example, ^Hello ensures that the string starts with "Hello". The string 'Hello, world!' matches the pattern, but 'Say Hello, world!' does not because "Hello" is not at the beginning.

Practical Example: Validating an Email Address Start

const emailRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@/; console.log(emailRegex.test('[email protected]')); // true console.log(emailRegex.test('[email protected]')); // true

This regex checks if an email address starts with a valid username. The string '[email protected]' matches, and '[email protected]' also matches because both start with a valid username pattern before the @ symbol.

The $ Anchor: Matching the End of a String

The $ anchor is used to check if a string ends with a specific pattern.

Using the $ Anchor

const regexEnd = /world!$/; console.log(regexEnd.test('Hello, world!')); // true console.log(regexEnd.test('Hello, world')); // false

In this example, world!$ ensures that the string ends with "world!". The string 'Hello, world!' matches the pattern, but 'Hello, world' does not because it lacks the exclamation mark at the end.

Practical Example: Validating a File Extension

const fileRegex = /\.txt$/; console.log(fileRegex.test('document.txt')); // true console.log(fileRegex.test('document.pdf')); // false

This regex checks if a filename ends with ".txt". The string 'document.txt' matches, while 'document.pdf' does not.

Anchors (^ and $) in JavaScript regular expressions allow you to precisely match the start or end of a string, ensuring accurate text validation and manipulation.

Combining ^ and $ for Exact Matches

By combining ^ and $, you can create a regex that matches a string exactly, from start to finish.

Using Both Anchors

const exactRegex = /^Hello, world!$/; console.log(exactRegex.test('Hello, world!')); // true console.log(exactRegex.test('Hello, world')); // false console.log(exactRegex.test('Say Hello, world!')); // false

In this example, ^Hello, world!$ ensures that the entire string matches "Hello, world!". Only the string 'Hello, world!' matches exactly.

Practical Example: Validating an Exact Pattern

const exactEmailRegex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$/; console.log(exactEmailRegex.test('[email protected]')); // true console.log(exactEmailRegex.test('[email protected]')); // false console.log(exactEmailRegex.test('test@example')); // false

This regex ensures the email address is in a valid format from start to end. It checks for a valid username, an "@" symbol, a domain name, and a top-level domain.

Using Anchors for Precise Validation

Anchors are particularly useful for validating input where you need to ensure that the entire string conforms to a pattern. For example, use ^ and $ to validate phone numbers, zip codes, or any fixed format input.

Example: Validating a U.S. Phone Number

const phoneRegex = /^\(\d{3}\) \d{3}-\d{4}$/; console.log(phoneRegex.test('(123) 456-7890')); // true console.log(phoneRegex.test('123-456-7890')); // false console.log(phoneRegex.test('(123)456-7890')); // false

This regex ensures that the phone number is in the format (123) 456-7890. It uses ^ to assert the start and $ to assert the end, ensuring that the entire string matches the specified pattern.


Anchors are powerful tools in JavaScript regular expressions that allow you to match positions within a string. By mastering the ^ and $ anchors, you can create precise and effective patterns for validating and manipulating strings. Whether you're ensuring a string starts or ends with a specific pattern, or matching an entire string exactly, anchors are essential for robust regex operations.

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