In PHP, the pos() function is a built-in array function that is used to retrieve the current key position of an array. The pos() function works with arrays that use numeric keys and returns the value of the element at the current position.

Syntax of the pos() Function

The syntax of the pos() function is straightforward. It takes one argument, which is the array you want to retrieve the current position for. The pos() function returns the value of the element at the current position.

pos(array $array): mixed

Example Usage of the pos() Function

Let's take a look at some practical examples of how the pos() function can be used to retrieve the current position of an array.


$colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];

// Set the current position to the first element

// Retrieve the value of the element at the current position
echo pos($colors) . '-'; // Output: red

// Move the current position to the next element

// Retrieve the value of the element at the current position
echo pos($colors) . '-'; // Output: green

// Move the current position to the next element

// Retrieve the value of the element at the current position
echo pos($colors); // Output: blue

In this example, we have an array called $colors, which contains three elements. We set the current position to the first element using the reset() function and then retrieve the value of the element at the current position using the pos() function. We then move the current position to the next element using the next() function and retrieve the value of the element at the current position again using the pos() function. Finally, we move the current position to the last element and retrieve its value using the pos() function.


The pos() function is a simple but powerful function in PHP that can be used to retrieve the current position of an array. By using this function, you can easily iterate through an array and retrieve the values of its elements at each position. As experienced PHP programmers, we recommend using the pos() function as part of your array manipulation strategy to ensure that your code is efficient and performs well.

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