PHP Destructor: A Comprehensive Guide

A destructor in PHP is a special method that is called automatically when an object is no longer used or explicitly destroyed. This method is useful for releasing any resources that an object has acquired, such as database connections or file handles. In this article, we will dive deep into destructors in PHP and learn how to implement them in your code.

What is a Destructor?

A destructor is a special method that is automatically called when an object is no longer in use or is explicitly destroyed. This method is defined with the __destruct function. For example, to define a destructor for the class "MyClass", you would use the following code:

class MyClass {
   function __destruct() {
      // code to be executed when object is destroyed

How do Destructors Work in PHP?

In PHP, destructors are called automatically when an object is no longer needed or is explicitly destroyed. This can occur when a script terminates, when an object goes out of scope, or when you explicitly call the unset function on an object.

When a destructor is called, the resources that the object was using are freed. This allows you to clean up any resources that the object was using, such as database connections or file handles.

It is important to note that a destructor is only called once, even if an object has multiple references. This ensures that resources are only released once, even if multiple references to an object exist.

When to Use Destructors in PHP

Destructors are useful when you need to release resources that an object has acquired. For example, if your object opens a database connection, you can use a destructor to close the connection when the object is no longer needed.

Destructors are also useful when you need to perform some action when an object is destroyed, such as logging that the object was destroyed.

How to Implement Destructors in PHP

To implement a destructor in PHP, you simply need to add a __destruct method to your class. The code inside the destructor will be executed automatically when the object is no longer in use or is explicitly destroyed.

Here is an example of a class that uses a destructor to close a database connection:

class MyDB {
   private $conn;

   function __construct() {
      $this->conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", "user", "password", "database");

   function __destruct() {

In this example, the constructor opens a database connection and the destructor closes the connection. This ensures that the connection is closed when the object is no longer needed.


Destructors in PHP are a powerful tool for releasing resources and performing actions when an object is no longer in use. Whether you need to close database connections, release file handles, or log that an object was destroyed, destructors make it easy to do so. With this comprehensive guide, you now have a solid understanding of how destructors work in PHP and how to implement them in your own code.

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