PHP Func Array Values: A Comprehensive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to PHP's array_values() function. In this guide, we will discuss what the array_values() function does, how it works, and provide practical examples of how to use it in your code. We will also compare array_values() to other PHP functions that perform similar tasks, and provide tips and best practices for using this function effectively. Our goal is to provide you with the most comprehensive and informative guide to array_values() available, so that you can use it to write better, more efficient PHP code.

What is the array_values() function?

The array_values() function is a built-in PHP function that takes an array and returns a new array containing all the values of the input array. In other words, array_values() creates a new array with the same values as the input array, but with new numeric keys starting from zero.

How Does array_values() Work?

The syntax of array_values() is straightforward. Here's an example:


$input = array("a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "cherry");
$output = array_values($input);


The output of this code would be:

    [0] => apple
    [1] => banana
    [2] => cherry

As you can see, the array_values() function takes an input array $input and returns a new array $output containing all the values of $input, with new numeric keys starting from zero. The original keys of the input array are discarded.

Why Use array_values()?

The array_values() function can be useful in a variety of situations. For example, if you have an associative array with non-sequential keys, you may want to use array_values() to create a new array with sequential numeric keys. This can be helpful if you need to perform operations on the values of the original array that require sequential keys, such as sorting or searching.

Another use case for array_values() is when you need to remove the keys from an array, but preserve the order of the values. If you simply use array_values() on the original array, the new array will have the same order as the original array, but with numeric keys starting from zero.

Comparing array_values() to Other PHP Functions

In addition to array_values(), there are other PHP functions that perform similar tasks, such as array_keys(), array_flip(), and array_combine(). Here's a brief comparison of these functions:

  • array_keys(): Returns an array of all the keys in the input array
  • array_flip(): Exchanges all keys with their associated values in the input array
  • array_combine(): Creates a new array by using one array for keys and another for its values

While these functions can be useful in their own right, they have different use cases than array_values(). array_keys() and array_flip() are useful for working with the keys of an array, while array_combine() is useful for combining two arrays into one.

Best Practices for Using array_values()

Here are some tips and best practices for using array_values() effectively:

  • Be aware that array_values() discards the original keys of the input array. If you need to preserve the keys, use a different function, such as array_keys().
  • If you have an array with non-sequential keys, use array_values() to create a new array with sequential keys before performing operations that require sequential keys.
  • Use array_values() to remove the keys from an array while preserving the order of the values.
  • When working with large arrays, be aware that creating a new array with array_values() can consume a significant amount of memory. In these cases, consider using alternative methods that do not require creating a new array.
  • Use good naming conventions for your variables to make your code more readable and understandable.

Practical Examples of Using array_values()

Now let's take a look at some practical examples of using array_values() in PHP code.

Example 1: Removing Non-Numeric Keys from an Array

Suppose you have an associative array with non-numeric keys, and you want to remove the keys and create a new array with sequential numeric keys. Here's how you can do it using array_values():


$fruit = array(
    "a" => "apple",
    "b" => "banana",
    "c" => "cherry",
    "d" => "date"

$numeric_fruit = array_values($fruit);


The output of this code would be:

    [0] => apple
    [1] => banana
    [2] => cherry
    [3] => date

As you can see, array_values() has created a new array with sequential numeric keys, while discarding the original non-numeric keys.

Example 2: Reordering an Array with Non-Sequential Keys

Suppose you have an associative array with non-sequential keys, and you want to reorder the array based on the values of the keys. Here's how you can do it using array_values():


$fruit = array(
    "b" => "banana",
    "d" => "date",
    "a" => "apple",
    "c" => "cherry"

$sorted_fruit = array_values($fruit);


The output of this code would be:

    [0] => apple
    [1] => banana
    [2] => cherry
    [3] => date

As you can see, array_values() has created a new array with sequential numeric keys, while preserving the order of the values based on the original keys.


In this guide, we have provided a comprehensive overview of PHP's array_values() function, including what it does, how it works, and practical examples of how to use it in your code. We have also compared array_values() to other PHP functions that perform similar tasks, and provided tips and best practices for using this function effectively. We hope that this guide has been helpful to you in improving your PHP coding skills.

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