Understanding the PHP Array Reverse Function

In PHP, the array_reverse() function is an in-built function that allows you to reverse the order of elements in an array. This function can be used to reverse the order of elements in both associative and indexed arrays. In this article, we will be taking an in-depth look at the array_reverse() function and how it can be used to effectively manipulate arrays in PHP.

How Does the PHP Array Reverse Function Work?

The array_reverse() function takes an array as its argument and returns a new array with its elements in reverse order. The original array remains unchanged. It is important to note that this function only reverses the order of elements in the array and not their keys. If the original array is an associative array, the keys of the reversed array will still correspond to the original keys, but the order of elements will be reversed.

Here is an example of how the array_reverse() function can be used:


$original_array = array("apple", "banana", "cherry");
$reversed_array = array_reverse($original_array);




    [0] => cherry
    [1] => banana
    [2] => apple

As we can see, the order of elements in the $reversed_array is the reverse of the order of elements in the $original_array.

Using the PHP Array Reverse Function with Associative Arrays

As mentioned earlier, the array_reverse() function can also be used with associative arrays. When used with associative arrays, the order of elements in the reversed array is reversed, but the keys of the elements remain the same.

Here is an example of how the array_reverse() function can be used with an associative array:


$original_array = array("a" => "apple", "b" => "banana", "c" => "cherry");
$reversed_array = array_reverse($original_array);




    [c] => cherry
    [b] => banana
    [a] => apple

As we can see, the keys of the elements in the $reversed_array still correspond to the original keys, but the order of elements is reversed.


In conclusion, the array_reverse() function is a powerful and versatile function that allows you to easily reverse the order of elements in an array. Whether you are working with indexed arrays or associative arrays, the array_reverse() function can help you to manipulate your arrays in the way that you need. With its simple syntax and straightforward behavior, the array_reverse() function is an essential tool for any PHP programmer working with arrays.

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