
In this article, we will focus on the PHP ignore_user_abort() function. We will provide you with an overview of the function, how it works, and examples of its use.

Introduction to the ignore_user_abort() function

The ignore_user_abort() function is a built-in function in PHP that allows your PHP script to continue running even if the user aborts the request. It is a powerful tool that can be used to ensure that important operations are completed, even if the user navigates away from the page or closes the browser.

By default, when a user aborts the request, PHP will terminate the script execution immediately. However, when you call the ignore_user_abort() function, PHP will continue to execute the script even if the user aborts the request.

How to use the ignore_user_abort() function

Using the ignore_user_abort() function is very simple. You just need to call the function and pass a boolean value to indicate whether or not to ignore user aborts. Here is an example:

// Ignore user aborts

// Code to be executed
// ...

// Restore default behavior

In this example, we call the ignore_user_abort() function with a boolean value of true to indicate that we want to ignore user aborts. We then execute the code that we want to run, and finally restore the default behavior of PHP by calling the ignore_user_abort() function with a boolean value of false.

Handling user aborts

Even though you are ignoring user aborts with the ignore_user_abort() function, you may still want to handle them in your PHP code. You can check whether or not the user has aborted the request by calling the connection_aborted() function. This function returns true if the user has aborted the request, and false otherwise.

Here is an example of how to handle user aborts in your PHP code:

// Ignore user aborts

// Code to be executed
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    // Check for user aborts
    if (connection_aborted()) {
        // Handle user aborts

    // Execute the code
    // ...

// Restore default behavior

In this example, we have a for loop that executes some code 10 times. Within the loop, we check for user aborts by calling the connection_aborted() function. If the user has aborted the request, we break out of the loop and handle the user aborts. If the user has not aborted the request, we execute the code normally.


In conclusion, the ignore_user_abort() function is a powerful tool for ensuring that important operations are completed, even if the user aborts the request. By understanding how to use the function and how to handle user aborts, you can take advantage of this feature to create more robust PHP scripts.

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