
Introduction to the connection_aborted() Function

The connection_aborted() function in PHP is used to check if the client browser has aborted the connection to the web server.

Usage of the connection_aborted() Function

The connection_aborted() function returns a boolean value that indicates whether the client has aborted the connection. If the return value is true, it means that the client has aborted the connection. If the return value is false, it means that the client has not aborted the connection.

Example Usage of the connection_aborted() Function

Here's an example of how the connection_aborted() function can be used in PHP:


if (connection_aborted()) {
  // Do something if the client has aborted the connection
} else {
  // Do something if the client has not aborted the connection

In this example, the connection_aborted() function is called to check if the client has aborted the connection, and the return value is used to determine which action to take.


In conclusion, the connection_aborted() function in PHP can be useful for checking whether the client has aborted the connection, and for taking appropriate action based on the status of the connection.

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