
The vfprintf() function in PHP is used to output a formatted string to a specified stream using an array of arguments. In this article, we will discuss the vfprintf() function in detail and how it can be used in PHP.

Understanding the vfprintf() function

The syntax for using the vfprintf() function in PHP is as follows:

vfprintf(resource $stream, string $format, array $args) : int|false

Here, $stream is the stream where the output will be written, $format is a string containing the format of the output, and $args is an array containing the arguments to be inserted into the format string.

The vfprintf() function returns the number of bytes written to the stream, or false on failure.

Example Usage

Here is an example usage of the vfprintf() function in PHP:


$file = fopen("test.txt", "w");
$name = "John";
$age = 30;
vfprintf($file, "Name: %s, Age: %d", [$name, $age]);

In the example above, we open a file named "test.txt" for writing. We then define two variables $name and $age, which we want to insert into a string. We use the vfprintf() function to write the formatted string to the file, with the %s and %d placeholders replaced by the values in the $name and $age variables. Finally, we close the file.


The vfprintf() function in PHP is a useful tool for outputting formatted strings to a specified stream using an array of arguments. It can be particularly useful when working with file input/output, where formatting and outputting data in a specific way is often necessary. By understanding how to use the vfprintf() function, developers can create more efficient and effective PHP applications.

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