
What is PHP's timezone_location_get() Function?

The timezone_location_get() function is a built-in function in PHP that returns information about a specified timezone. This function returns an associative array that includes information about the timezone's location, such as the latitude, longitude, and time difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Syntax of PHP's timezone_location_get() Function

The basic syntax of the timezone_location_get() function is as follows:



Here, $timezone is the required parameter that specifies the timezone for which the function should return location information.

Parameters of PHP's timezone_location_get() Function

The timezone_location_get() function accepts one parameter, which is the timezone for which you want to retrieve location information. The timezone can be specified in a variety of formats, including:

  • A string that contains a valid timezone identifier, such as "America/Los_Angeles" or "Europe/London".
  • A DateTimeZone object that represents the timezone.

Examples of PHP's timezone_location_get() Function

Let's take a look at an example that demonstrates how to use the timezone_location_get() function in PHP.

Example: Using a DateTimeZone Object

In this example, we will use a DateTimeZone object to retrieve location information for the "Europe/London" timezone.


$timezone = new DateTimeZone("Europe/London");
$location = timezone_location_get($timezone);


    [country_code] => GB
    [latitude] => 51.5072
    [longitude] => -0.1276
    [comments] => Greenwich Mean Time

The function returns an associative array that includes information about the timezone's location.


In summary, PHP's timezone_location_get() function is a useful function for retrieving location information about a specified timezone. By providing latitude, longitude, and other location details, this function can be used to develop more sophisticated applications that require timezone-related information.

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