
Understanding gettimeofday() function in PHP

If you are a PHP developer, then you must be familiar with the gettimeofday() function. This function returns the current time in microseconds since the Unix epoch. The gettimeofday() function has two parameters, which are optional - tv and tz.


The syntax for gettimeofday() function is as follows:

gettimeofday($tv = null, $tz = null)


The gettimeofday() function has two optional parameters:

  • $tv: This parameter is an array that contains information about the current time. If the value of $tv is set to NULL, then the current time will be used.
  • $tz: This parameter is an array that contains information about the time zone. If the value of $tz is set to NULL, then the default time zone will be used.

Return Value

The gettimeofday() function returns the current time in microseconds since the Unix epoch.


The gettimeofday() function is widely used in PHP applications, especially in applications that require high precision timing. Some examples of its usage are:

  • Measuring the execution time of a PHP script.
  • Calculating the time taken to complete a database query.
  • Implementing a custom timing mechanism for profiling PHP code.

Performance Considerations

The gettimeofday() function is a system call, which means that it has some overhead associated with it. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it in performance-critical applications. If you need high precision timing, then it is better to use the microtime() function, which is faster and more lightweight than gettimeofday().


In this article, we have discussed the gettimeofday() function in PHP. We have explained its syntax, parameters, return value, and usage. We have also discussed some performance considerations associated with this function. If you are a PHP developer, then you should be familiar with this function and its usage.

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