Understanding the PHP Function ftp_systype()

The ftp_systype() function is a built-in PHP function that retrieves the system type of the remote FTP server. In this article, we'll discuss the function in detail and provide you with a comprehensive guide to using it in your PHP projects.

What is ftp_systype()?

The ftp_systype() function is a PHP built-in function that retrieves the system type of the remote FTP server. The function takes one parameter:

  1. stream: An FTP stream returned by ftp_connect().

The function returns a string representing the remote FTP server's system type, or false on failure.

Syntax of ftp_systype()

The syntax of the ftp_systype() function is as follows:

string ftp_systype ( resource $stream )

The ftp_systype() function takes one parameter, an FTP stream returned by ftp_connect(). The function returns a string representing the remote FTP server's system type, or false on failure.

Usage of ftp_systype()

To use the ftp_systype() function, you need to first establish an FTP connection using the ftp_connect() function, and then pass the resulting FTP stream to the ftp_systype() function. Here's an example:


// Connect to the remote FTP server
$conn = ftp_connect('ftp.example.com');

// Login with your FTP credentials
ftp_login($conn, 'username', 'password');

// Get the remote FTP server's system type
$system_type = ftp_systype($conn);

if ($system_type === false) {
    echo "Failed to retrieve the remote FTP server's system type.\n";
} else {
    echo "The remote FTP server's system type is: $system_type\n";

// Close the FTP connection

In this example, we establish an FTP connection using the ftp_connect() function, log in using our FTP credentials using the ftp_login() function, and then retrieve the remote FTP server's system type using the ftp_systype() function. We check the return value of the function to ensure that the operation was successful and print out the remote FTP server's system type if it was retrieved successfully. Finally, we close the FTP connection using the ftp_close() function.

Error handling in ftp_systype()

It's important to handle errors properly when using the ftp_systype() function. If the function returns false, it means that the operation was unsuccessful. Here's an example of how to handle errors:


$conn = ftp_connect('ftp.example.com');

if ($conn === false) {
    echo "Failed to connect to the remote FTP server.\n";
} else {
    $system_type = ftp_systype($conn);

    if ($system_type === false) {
        echo "Failed to retrieve the remote FTP server's system type.\n";
    } else {
        echo "The remote FTP server's system type is: $system_type\n";

    // Close the FTP connection

By handling errors appropriately and checking the return value of the function, you can ensure the success of your FTP operations using the ftp_systype() function.


In conclusion, the ftp_systype() function is a useful tool for retrieving the system type of the remote FTP server. With proper usage and error handling, this function can be a valuable asset in your PHP projects.

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