
The endswitch statement is used to terminate a switch statement in PHP. It is a required statement in a switch block and must be used to signal the end of the switch block.


Here's an example that demonstrates the use of endswitch in PHP:


$dayOfWeek = 2;
switch ($dayOfWeek):
  case 1:
    echo "Today is Monday";
  case 2:
    echo "Today is Tuesday";
  case 3:
    echo "Today is Wednesday";
  case 4:
    echo "Today is Thursday";
  case 5:
    echo "Today is Friday";
    echo "It is the weekend!";

In the example above, we have a switch block that tests the value of the variable $dayOfWeek. Depending on the value of $dayOfWeek, a different case block will be executed.

At the end of each case block, a break statement is used to exit the switch block and prevent further case blocks from being executed. The default case is executed if none of the previous case blocks match the value of $dayOfWeek.

Finally, the endswitch statement is used to signal the end of the switch block.

It's important to note that the endswitch statement is optional in PHP, as the switch block will automatically end at the end of the block or when a break statement is encountered. However, including the endswitch statement can improve the readability of your code and make it easier to understand.

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