In this article, we will focus on the mysqli_connect() function in PHP, which is used to connect to a MySQL database. We will provide you with an overview of the function, how it works, and examples of its use.

Introduction to the mysqli_connect() function

The mysqli_connect() function is a built-in function in PHP that is used to establish a connection to a MySQL database. This function is essential when working with MySQL databases in PHP and is typically one of the first functions called in any MySQL-related PHP code.

How to use the mysqli_connect() function

Using the mysqli_connect() function is straightforward. You just need to pass in the relevant connection parameters. Here is an example:

$mysqli = mysqli_connect("localhost", "username", "password", "database");

if (!$mysqli) {
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

// execute queries using the connection


In this example, we call the mysqli_connect() function to connect to a MySQL database on the local machine. We pass in the relevant connection parameters: the hostname, username, password, and database name. If the connection is successful, we can then execute queries using the connection. Finally, we close the connection using the mysqli_close() function.

Advanced usage

The mysqli_connect() function can also be used in more advanced scenarios. For example, you can use the function to connect to a MySQL database using a socket file, or to specify additional connection parameters such as character sets or timezones. Here is an example:

$mysqli = mysqli_connect("localhost:/tmp/mysql.sock", "username", "password", "database", null, "/path/to/mysql/socket");

if (!$mysqli) {
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();


// execute queries using the connection


In this example, we call the mysqli_connect() function to connect to a MySQL database using a socket file located at /tmp/mysql.sock. We also pass in an additional connection parameter specifying the path to the socket file. We then use the set_charset() function of the MySQLi object to set the character set to utf8mb4. We can then execute queries using the connection. Finally, we close the connection using the mysqli_close() function.


In conclusion, the mysqli_connect() function is an essential tool for connecting to a MySQL database in PHP. By understanding how to use the function and its advanced usage scenarios, you can take advantage of this feature to create powerful and flexible MySQL queries in your PHP scripts.

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