
In this article, we will discuss the chgrp() function in PHP. The chgrp() function is used to change the group ownership of a file or directory. We will cover the syntax, parameters, and return values of this function, as well as provide examples of its usage. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of the chgrp() function and how it can be used in your PHP projects.


The syntax of the chgrp() function is as follows:

chgrp($filename, $group)

The $filename parameter specifies the file or directory whose group ownership will be changed. The $group parameter specifies the new group owner of the file or directory.


The chgrp() function accepts two parameters: $filename and $group. The $filename parameter is required, and it specifies the file or directory whose group ownership will be changed. The $group parameter is also required, and it specifies the new group owner of the file or directory.

Return Values

The chgrp() function returns a boolean value indicating whether the group ownership was successfully changed or not. The function returns true if the group ownership was changed successfully, and false otherwise.


Here are a few examples of how the chgrp() function can be used:


// Example 1: Change the group ownership of a file
$filename = "/path/to/file.txt";
$group = "newgroup";
if (chgrp($filename, $group)) {
    echo "Group ownership of file successfully changed.";
} else {
    echo "Failed to change group ownership of file.";

// Example 2: Change the group ownership of a directory and its contents
$dirname = "/path/to/directory";
$group = "newgroup";
if (chgrp($dirname, $group) && chgrp("$dirname/*", $group)) {
    echo "Group ownership of directory and its contents successfully changed.";
} else {
    echo "Failed to change group ownership of directory and its contents.";


In this article, we have discussed the chgrp() function in PHP. We have covered its syntax, parameters, and return values, as well as provided examples of its usage. By understanding how the chgrp() function works, you can take advantage of its capabilities in your PHP projects.

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