To speed up the compilation of Sass files, which option is used?

Optimizing Sass Compilation Using :cache Option

Sass, or Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, is an extension of CSS that adds several powerful features to the language. Compiling Sass files can sometimes be quite time-consuming, especially for larger projects. That's why understanding how you can speed up this process is very important. The answer to this problem lies in the use of an option called :cache.

The :cache option is designed to optimize the compilation of Sass files. When this option is enabled, Sass will cache partial Sass files (those beginning with an underscore) that have been imported. The cache store allows these partial files to be reused across multiple Sass files without being recompiled, dramatically speeding up the overall compilation process.

Let's take a practical look at how to implement it:, :cache => true)

In this case, we're using the method to create a new Sass engine and passing in the :cache option set to true. You can toggle the caching on and off by switching between true and false.

However, it's important to mention that while the :cache option does speed up the compilation process by storing partial Sass files in the cache, it does so at the cost of using more memory. Therefore, you have to be careful about using it in environments where memory usage is a concern.

In contrast to :cache, other options like :read_cache and :cache_store are not used to speed up Sass Compilation.

To sum up, the :cache option is a particularly useful feature for speeding up Sass compilation. It stores intermediate files in a cache to eliminate the need for recompilation. However, remember to consider your project's memory requirements when deciding whether or not to use it.

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