Which is the difference between Sass and SCSS?

Understanding the Difference Between Sass and SCSS

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) emerged as a powerful and robust CSS extension language, known for its syntax advancements and efficient features that go beyond regular CSS. This additional layer of functionality was designed to streamline style sheets and make them easier to manage.

While discussing Sass, it's essential to note that it provides two distinctive syntax options - SCSS and indented syntax (or just "Sass"). Both syntax variations are essentially the same engine under the hood, but they differ in their external coding representation.

SCSS Syntax

SCSS is the first and more commonly known syntax of Sass. Files using this syntax have a .scss extension and it is quite similar to the regular CSS syntax, hence making it more familiar for developers who have primarily worked with CSS. All valid CSS is also a valid SCSS, which makes SCSS a superset of CSS. Here is an example:

// SCSS Syntax
$primary-color: blue;

body {
  color: $primary-color;

Indented Syntax (Sass)

The other syntax is the original Sass syntax and it's known as the indented syntax, or just Sass. This syntax makes use of indentation and line breaks to segregate code blocks and uses .sass as its file extension. It omits the use of semicolons and curly braces which makes the code appear cleaner and more readable. However, this syntax has a steeper learning curve for developers accustomed to CSS. Here's how the same code from above looks in Sass syntax:

// Indented Syntax
$primary-color: blue

  color: $primary-color

Choosing Between Sass and SCSS

Both syntaxes afford the same level of functionality and power. Selecting between SCSS and Sass depends on the developer's preferences and the project's requirements. Beginners generally lean towards SCSS due to its similarity to CSS, while those looking for a cleaner and more compact style often prefer the original Sass syntax.

Ultimately, understanding Sass and SCSS enhances a developer's versatility and efficiency in dealing with style sheets. Regardless of the syntax choice, employing Sass in your projects can completely revolutionize your approach towards CSS scripting.

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