In which directive is a variable specified in Sass, and it contains the value of each list item?

Understanding the @each Directive in SASS

In the context of SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets), a powerful CSS preprocessor, there are different directives that perform a variety of functions to facilitate the process of styling web pages. The question refers to the directive that specifies a variable containing the value of each item in a list. The correct answer is the @each directive.

This directive is typically used for generating styles by taking each item in a list or a map. In simple terms, the @each directive lets you iterate over a list or map and for each item in the list or map, it generates CSS styles using the value of that item.

Let's look at an example:

$colors: red, blue, green;

@each $color in $colors {
  .text-#{$color} {
    color: $color;

In the above example, SASS will loop through each value in the $colors list (red, blue, and green). For each color, it generates a CSS class (.text-red, .text-blue, .text-green) that sets the text color to that color.

This leads to the following CSS:

.text-red {
  color: red;

.text-blue {
  color: blue;

.text-green {
  color: green;

As you can see, this gives you a convenient way to generate repetitive CSS with variations in values.

While using the @each directive, it's essential to note the importance of managing your lists well. Keep your lists clean, predictable, and concise to avoid any confusion that may stem from accidentally iterating over more or fewer items than you intended. It's also good practice to name your variables intelligently, like in the example above, where $color is used to iterate over a list of color values.

Though this was an introduction, the @each directive in sass offers more features and can handle more complex situations, like nested lists or maps. By cleverly using these features, developers can significantly improve their workflow and maintainability in larger projects. So, it is worth learning more about the @each directive, along with other directives provided by SASS, like @if, @for, and @while.

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