

In this article, we will discuss the PHP function "trigger_error". We will explore what this function does, how it works, and how it can be used effectively in PHP programming. This function is important for developers who want to handle errors and exceptions in their PHP applications. We will provide you with comprehensive details on how to use this function, and we believe this article will help you become a better PHP developer.

What is trigger_error function?

The trigger_error function is a PHP built-in function that is used to trigger a user-level error message. This function is useful for handling errors and exceptions in PHP applications. When this function is called, it generates an error message that can be caught and handled by PHP error handling mechanisms.

Syntax of trigger_error function

The syntax of the trigger_error function is as follows:

trigger_error($error_message, $error_type);

The first parameter is the error message that will be generated when the function is called. The second parameter is the error type. The error type can be one of the following:


These error types are used to differentiate between different types of errors. The E_USER_ERROR type is used for fatal errors that should stop the script from executing. The E_USER_WARNING type is used for non-fatal errors that do not stop the script from executing. The E_USER_NOTICE type is used for informational messages.

Examples of trigger_error function

Example 1: Using E_USER_ERROR

// Set error handler function
function custom_error_handler($errno, $errstr) {
  echo "<b>Error:</b> [$errno] $errstr";

// Set error handler

// Trigger an error
trigger_error("A fatal error occurred", E_USER_ERROR);

In this example, we set a custom error handler function that will be called when an error occurs. We then set the error handler using the set_error_handler function. Finally, we call the trigger_error function with the error message "A fatal error occurred" and the error type E_USER_ERROR.

Example 2: Using E_USER_WARNING

// Set error handler function
function custom_error_handler($errno, $errstr) {
  echo "<b>Warning:</b> [$errno] $errstr";

// Set error handler

// Trigger a warning
trigger_error("A warning occurred", E_USER_WARNING);

In this example, we set a custom error handler function that will be called when a warning occurs. We then set the error handler using the set_error_handler function. Finally, we call the trigger_error function with the error message "A warning occurred" and the error type E_USER_WARNING.

Example 3: Using E_USER_NOTICE

// Set error handler function
function custom_error_handler($errno, $errstr) {
  echo "<b>Notice:</b> [$errno] $errstr";

// Set error handler

// Trigger a notice
trigger_error("A notice occurred", E_USER_NOTICE);

In this example, we set a custom error handler function that will be called when a notice occurs. We then set the error handler using the set_error_handler function. Finally, we call the trigger_error function with the error message "A notice occurred" and the error type E_USER_NOTICE.


In conclusion, the trigger_error function is a useful function for handling errors and exceptions in PHP applications. This function allows developers to generate user-level error messages that can be caught and handled by PHP error handling mechanisms.

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