
The French Revolutionary Calendar, also known as the Republican Calendar, was created during the French Revolution and was used in France from 1793 to 1805. It was designed to replace the Gregorian calendar and was intended to be more rational and scientific. The calendar was based on the idea of decimal time and consisted of 12 months of 30 days each, with an additional 5 or 6 days added at the end of the year to make up for the extra days.

Julian Day Count, on the other hand, is a system of counting days used in astronomy. It is defined as the number of days that have elapsed since noon on January 1, 4713 BCE (Julian calendar). In this article, we will discuss how to convert Julian Day Count to French Revolutionary Calendar Date.

Conversion Formula

To convert Julian Day Count to French Revolutionary Calendar Date, we need to use a specific formula. The formula is as follows:

J = Julian Day Count - 2375839
N = (J - 1) mod 365
C = (J - 1 - N) / 365
if N < 84 then
    F = N + 281
    F = N - 84
end if
Q = floor(F / 28) + 1
R = (F mod 28) + 1


  • J is the Julian Day Count
  • N is the day number in the current year (1-365)
  • C is the number of leap years that have elapsed since 1792
  • F is the number of days that have elapsed since the beginning of the year (1-365 or 1-366 in a leap year)
  • Q is the month number (1-13)
  • R is the day number in the month (1-30)

Explanation of Formula

The formula for converting Julian Day Count to French Revolutionary Calendar Date may look complex at first, but it is actually quite simple. Let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Calculate J, N, and C

The first step is to calculate the values of J, N, and C. J is the Julian Day Count, N is the day number in the current year, and C is the number of leap years that have elapsed since 1792. To calculate J, we simply subtract 2375839 (the Julian Day Count of the first day of the French Revolutionary Calendar) from the Julian Day Count that we want to convert. To calculate N and C, we use the formulas:

N = (J - 1) mod 365
C = (J - 1 - N) / 365

Step 2: Calculate F

The next step is to calculate F, the number of days that have elapsed since the beginning of the year. This is done using the formula:

if N < 84 then
    F = N + 281
    F = N - 84
end if

This formula takes into account the fact that the French Revolutionary Calendar started on September 22, which is the autumnal equinox. If N (the day number in the current year) is less than 84, it means that the current day is before September 22, so we add 281 to N to get the number of days that have elapsed since the beginning of the year.

If N is greater than or equal to 84, it means that the current day is on or after September 22, so we subtract 84 from N to get the number of days that have elapsed since the beginning of the year.

Step 3: Calculate Q and R

The final step is to calculate Q and R, the month number and the day number in the month, respectively. This is done using the formulas:

Q = floor(F / 28) + 1
R = (F mod 28) + 1

The variable Q represents the month number and is calculated by dividing F by 28 (since each French Revolutionary month consists of 28 days) and then adding 1. The variable R represents the day number in the month and is calculated by taking the remainder when F is divided by 28, and then adding 1.


Let's use an example to illustrate the formula. Suppose we want to convert the Julian Day Count 2451545 to a French Revolutionary Calendar Date. First, we calculate J, N, and C as follows:

J = 2451545 - 2375839 = 75706
N = (J - 1) mod 365 = 160
C = (J - 1 - N) / 365 = 207

Next, we calculate F:

F = N - 84 = 76

Finally, we calculate Q and R:

Q = floor(F / 28) + 1 = 3
R = (F mod 28) + 1 = 21

Therefore, the French Revolutionary Calendar Date corresponding to the Julian Day Count 2451545 is "3 Brumaire, Year XIII" (November 21, 1804).


In conclusion, the formula for converting Julian Day Count to French Revolutionary Calendar Date is a simple but useful tool for historians, astronomers, and anyone interested in the French Revolution. With the help of this article, you can easily convert any Julian Day Count to a corresponding date in the French Revolutionary Calendar. We hope this article has been informative and helpful.

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