
PHP is a popular server-side scripting language that is used to create dynamic web pages. One of the essential functions in PHP is the directory function, which allows you to manipulate directories and files on the server. In this article, we will explore the various directory functions in PHP and how to use them to manipulate directories and files.

Understanding Directory Functions in PHP

PHP provides several built-in functions for directory manipulation. These functions allow you to create, open, close, read, write, and delete directories and files. Some of the common directory functions in PHP are:

  • opendir() - Opens a directory handle
  • readdir() - Reads a directory handle
  • closedir() - Closes a directory handle
  • mkdir() - Creates a new directory
  • rmdir() - Deletes a directory
  • scandir() - Reads the contents of a directory into an array

Using opendir() Function

The opendir() function is used to open a directory handle. It takes a single parameter, which is the name of the directory you want to open. Once the directory is open, you can use the readdir() function to read the contents of the directory.

Using readdir() Function

The readdir() function is used to read the contents of a directory. It takes a single parameter, which is the directory handle returned by the opendir() function. This function returns the name of the next file or directory in the directory. You can use a while loop to iterate over all the files and directories in a directory.


$dir = "/path/to/directory";
if (is_dir($dir)){
  if ($dh = opendir($dir)){
    while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){
      echo "filename:" . $file . "<br>";

Using mkdir() Function

The mkdir() function is used to create a new directory. It takes two parameters, the first is the name of the directory you want to create, and the second is an optional parameter that specifies the permissions for the new directory.

mkdir("/path/to/my/new/directory", 0777);

Using rmdir() Function

The rmdir() function is used to delete a directory. It takes a single parameter, which is the name of the directory you want to delete.


Using scandir() Function

The scandir() function is used to read the contents of a directory into an array. It takes a single parameter, which is the name of the directory you want to read. This function returns an array of filenames and directories in the specified directory.


$dir = "/path/to/directory";
$files = scandir($dir);


In conclusion, PHP provides several built-in functions for directory manipulation, which allows you to create, open, close, read, write, and delete directories and files. By understanding these directory functions and using them in your PHP scripts, you can easily manipulate directories and files on the server. We hope that this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of PHP directory functions and how to use them in your PHP projects.

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