How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about PACKAGE

Can you find all classes in a package using reflection?

Yes, it is possible to find all classes in a package using reflection in Java.

How can I solve "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError"?

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError is an error that occurs when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can't find a required class definition at runtime. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including:

How to fix "Attempted relative import in non-package" even with

The "Attempted relative import in non-package" error occurs when attempting to use a relative import within a script that is not part of a package.

How to install pip with Python 3?

To install pip with Python 3, you can use the following command:

What is for? is a special Python file that is used to indicate that the directory it is present in is a Python package.

What is thread safe or non-thread safe in PHP?

In PHP, a thread-safe version of PHP is built with additional constructs to ensure that certain actions are atomic, which means that they are performed in their entirety without any other thread being able to interfere.