"pip install unroll": "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1

Here is an example of a command that could cause the error you described:

pip install unroll

The error message:

Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in ...

This error message is indicating that the installation process for the package "unroll" failed because the command "python setup.py egg_info" returned an error code of 1. This could be caused by various factors such as the package not being compatible with your version of Python or a missing dependency.

It's hard to give a specific solution without more context, but you can try resolving this issue by checking your python version and dependencies installed, and then try installing the package again with pip.

pip install unroll --no-binary :all:


pip install unroll --upgrade --no-binary :all:

If the problem persist, you can try to uninstall the package and then reinstalling it with pip.

pip uninstall unroll
pip install unroll

If the problem still persists, you might want to look at the package documentation and the package's GitHub page to see if there are any known issues or compatibility requirements.