What is the correct way of installing the vue cli globally?

Understanding Vue CLI Global Installation

In the Vue world, the ability to start projects efficiently and rapidly is critical. That's where the Vue CLI (Command Line Interface) comes into play, which is basically a full system for rapid Vue.js development. It is essential to install Vue CLI globally on your machine for easy access and usage from any directory.

Let's look at the correct command to install Vue CLI globally from the quiz, which is:

npm install -g vue-cli

Here is what each part of this command does:

  • npm install: This is a command by Node's package manager, npm, which you use to install packages/modules.

  • -g: The "-g" option installs the package globally on your system. This means that the installed package, in this case, Vue CLI, will be available to all your node.js projects, rather than just one. It will also be available to run as a command from any directory or location on your system.

  • vue-cli: This is the package name you want to install, which in this case is Vue CLI.

Installing packages globally is a common practice when the packages are command line tools like vue-cli that need to be accessed from various projects or directories.

It's important to note that Global packages are stored in {prefix}/lib/node_modules, which is owned by the system. Therefore on most systems, you'll need additional permissions to globally install npm packages, which is typically achieved by using the sudo command.

Here's the correct command for such systems:

sudo npm install -g vue-cli

Keep in mind, while globally installing packages may be necessary, they can take up disk space and create potential version conflicts in different projects having different version requirements. Therefore, it's important to manage your globally installed packages carefully to avoid these problems.

In conclusion, the global installation of Vue CLI significantly contributes to the rapid Vue.js development by providing streamlined project setup, hot-reloading, time-travel debugging, and many more powerful features right out of the box.

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