If you use .passive and .prevent together, .prevent will be ignored. Probably, it will show you a warning.

Understanding the Interaction between .prevent and .passive in Vue.js

In the context of Vue.js, if you use .prevent and .passive modifiers together, .prevent will indeed be ignored leading to unexpected behavior or warnings. The statement is absolutely true.

The .prevent modifier in Vue.js is used for preventing the default behavior of an event. Typically, this can be seen in form submissions where, by default, submitting a form will cause the web page to refresh. Implementing a .prevent on the form submit event can stop this from happening.

On the other hand, the .passive modifier is used to improve performance in certain event listeners. By using .passive, we are telling the browser that we're not going to cancel the event's default behavior. It gives a hint to the browser enabling it to optimize the event handling by skipping the default check, improving scrolling and other frequent events' performance.

Now, when we use these two together, it creates a conflict. The .prevent modifier is saying to prevent the default event, but then the .passive modifier comes in and says not to cancel the event's default behavior. Due to this, the .prevent modifier will be ignored if used with .passive because it contradicts what we're explicitly stating with .passive.

Practical Example

To illustrate this, consider an example where we're building a single page app in Vue.js. We have a div that we want to scroll, but we don't want the whole page to scroll when reaching the top or bottom of the div.

Here's how we might approach it:

<div v-on:scroll.passive.prevent="handleScroll">
  <!-- Some content here -->

The intent here is clear: we want to passively listen to the scroll event (for performance reasons), but prevent the default behaviour (page scrolling). However, as we learned, .prevent will be ignored. We might even get a console warning like this:

[Vue warn]: passive and prevent can't be used together. Passive handler can't prevent default.

This warning serves as a reminder that the .passive and .prevent modifiers shouldn't be used together. Instead, we should opt for alternative solutions, like capturing the event in the handler and using event.preventDefault() only when necessary, or reconsidering our use of the .passive modifier.

In conclusion, though both .prevent and .passive are powerful tools in Vue.js, they contradict each other and should not be used together to avoid unexpected behaviors and warnings. Always analyze the need for your application and choose the right event modifiers that fit your requirements.

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