All are life cycle hooks in Vue except ...

Understanding Vue.js Life Cycle Hooks

Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework, offers different life cycle hooks which can be used to perform actions at different stages of your application. However, "didMount" is not a valid Vue.js life cycle hook.

It's worth noting that "didMount" is actually a life cycle method used in React, another JavaScript library, and not in Vue. In Vue, the equivalent is the "mounted" hook.

The life cycle hooks in Vue.js include the following:

  • beforeCreate: This hook runs immediately after the vue instance has been initialized, before data observation and event/watcher setup.

  • created: This hook runs after the instance is created. At this stage, the instance has finished processing/observing the options which includes computed properties, methods, data binding, etc.

  • beforeMount: This hook runs right before the initial render happens and after the template or render functions have been compiled.

  • mounted: This hook runs after the initial render. At this stage, the Vue instance has finished compiling the template, if it exists. This is the most frequently used hook, projects and libraries, like vue-router use this hook to add extra DOM manipulations.

Vue provides other life cycle hooks for when components are updated or destroyed, however, the question focuses on the sequential hooks invoked in Vue's mount phase.

By thoroughly understanding Vue's life cycle hooks, developers can better control and manage the state of their applications, debug faster, and write more efficient, effective code. It's worth noting that applications should not rely heavily on these hooks for data fetch or side-effect causing operations, Vue offers better-suited functionalities for these operations like the data and methods properties. Instead, developers should use hooks with understanding of the application's life cycle, ensuring optimal utilization.

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