How do you make each word in a text start with a capital letter?

Understanding Text Transformation in CSS: Capitalize Property

In CSS, the text-transform property is used to control the capitalization of text. The correct choice to make each word in a text start with a capital letter is text-transform: capitalize;.

This property sets the first letter of each word to uppercase and the rest of the letters to lowercase. It essentially controls the capitalization of an element's text.

Here's an example of how it works:

p {
    text-transform: capitalize;

In this case, all the text within the <p> (paragraph) element will start with a capital letter.

For instance, if the text in the paragraph is "this is an example.", applying text-transform: capitalize; would change the text to appear as "This Is An Example."

It's excellent for headings or web page titles where you want each word to stand out. However, do note that it's purely cosmetic, and the actual text in the HTML remains unaffected. This means search engines and screen readers would see and read the original text, not the capitalized version.

Contrarily, the other options provided, such as text-transform: uppercase; and font-variant: small-caps;, do not achieve the sae effect. The text-transform: uppercase; property changes all the letters in the text to uppercase, while font-variant: small-caps; transforms lower case characters to small capitalized letters. Also, text-style: capital; is not a valid CSS property.

In conclusion, if you want a quick and easy way to capitalize every word in a text, the CSS text-transform: capitalize; property is your go-to solution. Use it wisely to enhance the user experience of your website.

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