Which of the following is a template literal in ES6?

Understanding Template Literals in ES6

ES6, also known as ECMAScript 6 or ECMAScript 2015, introduced a new type of string literals called template literals. Template literals provide a simplified and more readable syntax to create strings, and allow for embedded expressions within the string.

The correct answer to the quiz question is "Hello ${name}". This is an example of a template literal in ES6, which allows for easier concatenation and interpolation, and the ability to include multi-line strings.

To create a template literal, we use backtick characters (`) rather than the traditional single (‘) or double (“) quotes that are used for string literals.

For instance, here's an illustration:

let name = "John";
console.log(`Hello ${name}`);  // Output: Hello John

In this example, ${name} is a placeholder that gets replaced with the value of the name variable. This process is called interpolation. The output string is constructed by concatenating the literal parts with the interpolated parts.

It's important to note that the other answer choices provided in the quiz question do not represent template literals. "'Hello World'" is a string literal using single quotes, whereas ""Hello " + name" is an example of concatenating a string literal with a variable using the plus symbol (+). Meanwhile, "Hello + name" is also incorrect as it's neither a valid string literal nor a valid template literal.

Working with template literals offers a more concise and efficient way to work with strings. It's a best practice in ES6 and subsequent versions of JavaScript and can be particularly useful for handling multi-line strings and for incorporating variables into strings without having to break the syntax.

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