Which statement about arrow functions in ES6 is true?

Understanding Arrow Functions in ES6

Arrow functions were introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), they brought a lot of change to how developers write JavaScript code. The advantages offered by arrow functions include concise syntax, and improved readability. But most importantly, they have unique behaviors that distinguish them from traditional functions.

Arrow Functions Do Not Have Their Own 'this' Context

A significant characteristic of arrow functions in ES6 is that they do not create their own this context. Instead, the this inside an arrow function is always equivalent to this from the outer scope.

function outerFunc() {
  this.name = "outer";
  return () => console.log(this.name);

const innerFunc = outerFunc();
innerFunc(); // Prints out "outer"

In the above snippet, the arrow function uses the this value from outerFunc, not its own this.

Arrow Functions Are not Hoisted

In JavaScript, function declarations are hoisted, as is variable declarations. However, arrow functions aren't hoisted. That's because arrow functions are part of variable declarations, which only hoist the name, not the value.

console.log(arrowFunc); // Undefined
var arrowFunc = () => { console.log('Hello, world'); }
arrowFunc(); // Prints out "Hello, world"

In the example above, when we attempt to call arrowFunc before defining it, the result is undefined. That's because arrowFunc is hoisted but its assignment as an arrow function is not.

Arrow Functions Cannot be Used as Constructors

JavaScript allows you to define constructor functions to create objects. Usually, arrow functions aren't suitable for this purpose because they don't have their own this, arguments, super, or new.target. Any attempt to use the new keyword with an arrow function will throw an error.

const ArrowFunc=()=>{};
new ArrowFunc(); // TypeError: ArrowFunc is not a constructor

Arrow Functions Don't Have arguments Object

Regular functions have an array-like arguments object, which gives you access to all arguments passed to a function, regardless of their number or names. However, this object is not available in arrow functions.

const regularFunc = function() {
const arrowFunc = () => {

regularFunc('hello'); // Prints out "hello"
arrowFunc('world'); // ReferenceError: arguments is not defined

In the snippet above, the regular function successfully logs the first argument, while the arrow function throws a ReferenceError because it doesn't have an arguments object.

While arrow functions in ES6 offer many syntactic benefits, it's crucial to understand their unique properties and restrictions to effectively use them in code.

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