In ES6, which statement correctly imports a single export from a module?

Understanding ES6 Imports: How to Import a Single Export from a Module

In ECMAScript 6 (ES6), modules are a way to encapsulate and organize your code. They can have exports, which are pieces of code that they share with other modules. An import statement is used to bring exported variables, functions, or classes from another module into the current one.

In this case, the statement "import myExport from 'module'" is the correct ES6 syntax for importing a single export from a module. This is one of the most fundamental aspects of ES6 modules and is widely used in modern JavaScript coding.

Practical Applications

Considering the following scenario:

// myModule.js

export const decirHola = () => "¡Hola Mundo!";

This simple ES6 module, 'myModule.js', exports a single function called 'decirHola'. In order to utilize this function in another module, you would use the following import statement:

// app.js

import { decirHola } from './myModule';

console.log(decirHola());  // logs "¡Hola Mundo!"

In 'app.js', the import statement is used to access the 'decirHola' function from 'myModule.js'. The string './myModule' in the import statement refers to the file path of the module you're importing from. In this case, it's telling the system that 'myModule.js' is in the same directory as 'app.js'.

Insights and Best Practices

It's important to note that when importing a single export using the 'import...from...' syntax, the imported element must be an named export from the exporting module. If the exporting module is utilizing the 'export default' syntax, the import statement should not include curly braces '{}'. For example:

// myModule.js

const decirHola = () => "¡Hola Mundo!";
export default decirHola;

The import statement in 'app.js' would then look like this:

// app.js

import decirHola from './myModule';

console.log(decirHola());  // logs "¡Hola Mundo!"

This syntax is used to import a default export from a module. A file can have both multiple named exports and one default export.

Understanding the difference between importing named versus default exports is crucial when working with ES6 modules. Make sure to get the syntax right to avoid any unwanted errors or bugs in your JavaScript code.

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