Which HTML tag is used to display an image?

Understanding the Use of the HTML <img> Tag

In HTML, if you want to display an image on your webpage, you would typically use the <img> tag. This is the correct answer to our quiz question: "Which HTML tag is used to display an image?"

The <img> tag is structured as an empty element - it doesn't have a closing tag. It must, however, contain certain mandatory attributes, which provide vital information about the image being displayed. The two main attributes are the src (specifying the source of the image) and the alt (providing a text description of the image that is displayed in the event the image can't be displayed itself).

Here's an example of a common use of the <img> tag:

<img src="your-image.jpg" alt="A description of your image">

Alternative answers listed in the quiz question like <picture>, <image>, or <pic> are not standard HTML tags designed to display images. Specifically, the <picture> tag is designed to offer multiple sources for a single image, thus allowing browsers to select the best option based on device capabilities. However, it should still contain an tag as a fallback.

To ensure proper web design practices, it is advisable to always include the alt attribute with a meaningful description. This promotes accessibility as it provides alternative text descriptions for screen readers used by visually impaired users. Furthermore, it benefits Search Engine Optimization, as search engines use this description in image searches.

In summary, the <img> tag is the standard HTML implementation for displaying images on a webpage. Always remember to use appropriate and descriptive alt attributes for image accessibility and SEO best practices.

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