What is the correct HTML tag for a line break?

Understanding the Correct HTML Tag for a Line Break

In HTML, the
tag is used to create a line break. Unlike many HTML tags, the
tag does not require a closing tag. This tag is beneficial when you want to add some space without starting a new paragraph. It's ideal for writing addresses, poetry, or song lyrics.

Practical Usage of the <br> Tag

Consider writing an address in HTML. An address is typically separated by lines, not by paragraphs. Without a line break, the address would appear all on one line.

Here's an example of how to use the
tag correctly:

  John Doe<br>
  123 Main St<br>
  Anytown, USA 12345

The address is listed out as separate lines on the webpage, giving it a neat and legible layout.

Best Practices

While the line break
tag is a useful tool, it's crucial to use it sparingly. Excessive use of this tag can lead to poor readability and layout flow.

Furthermore, for adding spaces between sections or paragraphs, it is more recommended to use margin or padding in CSS instead of using multiple
tags. By doing this, you maintain a clean code and have better control over the space.

Other Incorrect Options

Tags like <lb>, <newline>, or <linebreak> are not standard HTML tags. They will not be recognized by the browser and will not create a line break. Always remember, the correct HTML tag for a line break is <br>. Remembering this will be beneficial when you want your text to display in a specific, line-separated way.

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