What is called an element that does not have a closing tag?

Understanding Empty Tags in HTML

In HTML or HyperText Markup Language, the term "Empty tag", also commonly referred to as "Void element" or "Self-closing tag", is used to denote an element that does not require a closing tag. This feature of HTML code structure was introduced to enhance the readability and cleanliness of the code.

An empty tag is a singular entity, rendering a specific function without containing any content. This is contrary to a usual HTML element that contains an opening tag, content, and a closing tag.

Here are some popular examples of empty tags:

  • <br>: Represents a line break.
  • <hr>: Adds a horizontal line, serving as a thematic break between paragraph-level elements.
  • <img>: Used to embed images. The source of the image is defined in the src attribute.
  • <input>: Used for form inputs. The content is defined from the input by the user or predefined by attributes.
  • <link>: This tag defines a relationship between the document and an external resource, commonly used to link to stylesheets.
  • <meta>: This tag holds metadata about the HTML document, not displayed on the page, but machine-readable.

For instance, to insert an image into your HTML document, you would use:

<img src="image.jpg" alt="A beautiful image">

In this case, img is the empty tag. There is no need for a closing tag as it doesn't encapsulate any content.

It is important to note that although these tags do not require a separate closing tag, in an XML or XHTML document, they must be closed within the same tag. This is achieved by placing a / before the closing >, such as <br/>.

Remember, improper use of empty tags may cause unexpected results or break the web page layout, especially when working on larger, more complex websites. Thus, understanding and correctly utilizing these are essential for successful web development.

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