Python Matplotlib Plotting: A Comprehensive Guide

As a leading provider of Python tutorials, we pride ourselves in delivering the most detailed and comprehensive guides to our users. In this article, we will take a deep dive into Python Matplotlib Plotting, an essential library for data visualization in Python. Our aim is to provide a detailed guide that will help you understand the library's core functionalities, how to use them effectively, and create stunning visualizations.

Introduction to Python Matplotlib Plotting

Matplotlib is a data visualization library for Python. It was created by John D. Hunter in 2003 as a way to create publication-quality plots. Since then, it has become one of the most widely used libraries for data visualization in Python. Matplotlib has an extensive collection of customizable plots, making it an essential tool for creating stunning visualizations.

Creating a Simple Line Plot

Let's start by creating a simple line plot using Matplotlib. In this example, we will plot a line graph of sales data over time.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Sales data
year = [2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020]
sales = [100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350]

# Create a line plot
plt.plot(year, sales)

# Add labels and title
plt.title("Sales Data over Time")

# Display the plot

The above code will create a simple line plot of sales data over time. The x-axis shows the years, and the y-axis shows the sales. We can see that the sales have been increasing over time.

Creating a Bar Chart

Another popular type of chart is a bar chart. A bar chart is used to compare different categories. In this example, we will create a bar chart of the top 5 countries by GDP.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# GDP data
countries = ["USA", "China", "Japan", "Germany", "UK"]
gdp = [21.44, 14.14, 5.15, 4.17, 2.62]

# Create a bar chart, gdp)

# Add labels and title
plt.ylabel("GDP (trillions)")
plt.title("Top 5 Countries by GDP")

# Display the plot

The above code will create a bar chart of the top 5 countries by GDP. The x-axis shows the countries, and the y-axis shows the GDP in trillions of dollars. We can see that the USA has the highest GDP among the top 5 countries.

Creating a Pie Chart

A pie chart is used to show the composition of a whole. In this example, we will create a pie chart of the market share of different smartphone brands.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Market share data
brands = ["Samsung", "Apple", "Huawei", "Xiaomi", "Others"]
market_share = [19.2, 15.9, 14.6, 10.2, 40.1]

# Create a pie chart

The above code will create a pie chart of the market share of different smartphone brands. We can see that the "Others" category has the highest market share, followed by Samsung, Apple, Huawei, and Xiaomi.

Customizing Plots

One of the key features of Matplotlib is its customizability. You can customize almost every aspect of a plot, including the color, marker style, line style, font size, and more. In this example, we will customize a line plot to show the data points as red circles.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Sales data
year = [2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020]
sales = [100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350]

# Create a line plot
plt.plot(year, sales, 'o-', color='red')

# Add labels and title
plt.title("Sales Data over Time")

# Display the plot

The above code will create a line plot with red circles at the data points. The 'o-' argument specifies that we want to plot circles at the data points and connect them with a line. The color='red' argument specifies that we want the circles and the line to be red.


In this guide, we have covered the basics of Python Matplotlib Plotting, including how to install the library, create different types of plots, and customize them. We hope this guide has been helpful in getting you started with data visualization in Python. Remember, with Matplotlib, the possibilities are endless. Happy plotting!

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