How do I split a string into a list of words?

Here is an example of how to split a string into a list of words in Python:

string = "This is an example string."
word_list = string.split()

This will output:

['This', 'is', 'an', 'example', 'string.']

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Alternatively, you can use the re module to split a string using a regular expression. Here is an example that uses the re.split() function to split a string into a list of words:

import re
string = "This is an example string."
word_list = re.split(r'\W+', string)

This will output:

['This', 'is', 'an', 'example', 'string', '']

You can also use split() method from shlex module which is more advanced than split() and re.split() and also support string which contains quotes.

import shlex
string = 'This is an "example string"'
word_list = shlex.split(string)

This will output:

['This', 'is', 'an', 'example string']