How-to articles, tricks, and solutions about SPLIT

How do I split a list into equally-sized chunks?

Here is a function that takes a list and an integer n and splits the list into n equally sized chunks:

How do I split a string into a list of words?

Here is an example of how to split a string into a list of words in Python:

How to convert comma-separated String to List?

To convert a comma-separated String to a List in Java, you can use the String.split() method to split the string into an array of substrings, and then use the Arrays.asList() method to create a list from that array.

How to split a String by space

In Java, you can split a string by space using the split() method of the String class. This method takes a regular expression as an argument and returns an array of substrings split by the regular expression.

How to split a string with any whitespace chars as delimiters

In Java, you can use the split() method of the String class to split a string based on a regular expression.

Java string split with "." (dot)

To split a string in Java using a dot (.) as the delimiter, you can use the split method of the String class.

Split Java String by New Line

To split a string in Java by new line, you can use the split method of the String class and pass it the regular expression "\n" or "\r\n", depending on the platform you are running on.

Split string on whitespace in Python

You can use the split() method to split a string on whitespace in Python.

Split string with multiple delimiters in Python

You can use the re.split() function from the re module in Python to split a string using multiple delimiters.

string to string array conversion in java

There are several ways to convert a string to a string array in Java. Here are a few options: