UTF8 Encoding problem - With good examples

UTF-8 is a character encoding that represents each character in a text document as a unique numerical code. The problem with UTF-8 encoding can occur when a system or program that is not set up to handle UTF-8 characters attempts to read or process a document that uses them.

Example: Let's say you have a document that contains the letter "é" (e with an acute accent). If the system or program you are using to read or process the document is not set up to handle UTF-8 characters, it may display the letter as "�" (a replacement character) instead of "é".

Another example is when you have a CSV file and your system can't handle the encoding, when you try to open the file in Excel, it would show all the special character in the CSV file as garbage value.

To solve this problem, you can try to change the encoding of the document to a different format (such as UTF-16 or ASCII) or ensure that the system or program you are using to read or process the document is configured to handle UTF-8 characters.