Using $this inside a static function fails

Using $this inside a static function is not allowed in PHP because the $this variable is only available within the context of a non-static method. A static method is called on a class, rather than an instance of the class, so there is no object context for $this to refer to.

Here's an example of a class with a static and a non-static method:


class MyClass
  public static function staticMethod()
    // Using $this here will result in an error

  public function nonStaticMethod()
    // Using $this here is valid

If you need to access a property or method of the class within a static method, you can use the self keyword or the name of the class.


class MyClass
  public static function staticMethod()

  public function nonStaticMethod()
    echo "I am nonStaticMethod";

You can see above examples, calling nonStaticMethod inside staticMethod using self keyword or class name.