What does AVG SQL return?

Understanding the AVG SQL Function

The AVG SQL function is a built-in function in SQL (Structured Query Language) that is used to find the average of a group of values in a specific column. It comes in quite handy when you need to perform calculations on a database. When used, AVG SQL returns the average value of the specific range or set of data that it is employed on.

Let’s understand this with an example. Suppose you have a student database with a column that represents the scores of students in a test. If you would like to find the average test score, you would use the AVG function applied to the score column.

Here's how it may look:

SELECT AVG(score) AS AverageScore FROM students;

This query will find the average of all the scores in the score column and return it as AverageScore.

Please note that the AVG function only works with numeric data types, and it will ignore the NULL values while calculating the average.

The AVG SQL function is not just used for simple average calculations. It's often used in more complex functionalities like analytics where averages are needed for understanding trends, statistics, user behavior and much more.

In terms of best practices, it's crucial to remember the data type limitations and NULL values handling aspect of the AVG function. Also, when working with larger datasets, keep in mind that the AVG function can consume considerable resources, so it's critical to use it wisely and only when necessary.

Concluding, AVG SQL function is an excellent tool for summarizing numerical data and getting insights into a dataset by calculating the mean. Like other SQL functions, it plays a vital role in database operations and manipulations.

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