What SQL statement is used for inserting new data in a database?

Understanding the INSERT INTO Statement in SQL

In SQL (Structured Query Language), the INSERT INTO statement is utilized when you want to add new records or data to a database. Other suggested answers like ADD RECORD, ADD INTO, and ADD NEW are incorrect SQL syntax and thus, will not work in terms of adding new data to a database.

Practical Application of INSERT INTO

Using the INSERT INTO statement, you can insert new rows in a table. Let's take a look at the basic syntax:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, column3,...) VALUES (value1, value2, value3,...);

In SQL, you must specify the table name and the column names where you want to insert the values.

Assuming we have an Employees table and we want to insert a new employee record. The Employees table includes three fields: EmployeeID, FirstName, and LastName. If we want to add a new employee "John Doe" with EmployeeID 123, the SQL statement would look like this:

INSERT INTO Employees (EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName) VALUES (123, 'John', 'Doe');

Best Practices and Additional Insights

When using the INSERT INTO command, here are some guidelines to remember:

  • Always ensure data compatibility with the column data type. If the data is incompatible, the database will return an error.
  • SQL not only allows you to insert a single row, but you can also insert multiple rows at once. This can be beneficial for inserting large volumes of data more rapidly.
  • If you do not specify the column names (assuming you have values for all columns), SQL will insert data in the order the columns were defined in the table.
  • Use INSERT INTO SELECT if you want to insert data into a table by selecting data from another table.

In conclusion, understanding SQL's INSERT INTO statement is fundamental when working with databases. It allows you to add new records efficiently and accurately. Remember to use the proper syntax and data types to prevent errors and maintain consistency within the database.

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