What will the result of the following be?
const speed = 'quick'; `The ${speed} brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.`

Understanding JavaScript String Interpolation and Using Template Literals

The correct answer to the quiz question "What will the result of the following be?" regarding JavaScript string interpolation utilizing template literals, is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.". This outcome is achieved thanks to JavaScript's template literals' feature.

Template literals are a powerful feature in JavaScript, enabling more robust handling of strings. They use back-ticks (`) rather than quotation marks to denote the start and end of the strings, which allows embedded expressions to be included as was demonstrated in the quiz question.

The feature is especially potent when it comes to string interpolation - inserting variables' values directly into strings without having to break the string and concatenate. Once a variable is placed inside a ${} within a template literal, its value is automatically inserted into the resulting string. Here is how it works:

    const speed = 'quick';
    console.log(`The ${speed} brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.`);

When this code is executed, JavaScript will evaluate the variable speed inside the placeholder ${} and replace it with its value, in this case 'quick'. So the console will log "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Remember these tips when working with JavaScript Template Literals:

  1. Only variables can be interpolated. You can only interpolate variable's values, not their names. If you try to interpolate a variable's name, JavaScript will treat it as a string, not a variable.

  2. Interpolation works with any JavaScript expressions. Anything that can be derived into a JavaScript value can be interpolated, including JavaScript expressions, functions and even other template literals.

  3. Template literals logs spaces and line breaks. Unlike regular strings where you can't log a line break, in template literals, a new line or spaces will reflect in the output.

By applying template literals and the neat feature of string interpolation it provides, developing JavaScript applications can be made more efficient, the code clearer, and the output more dynamic.

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