What value will this expression return?

Understanding the Spread Operator in JavaScript Expressions

The given expression from the quiz question involves using the spread operator (...) in JavaScript, specifically applied to a string. Here, we'll provide a clear explanation for the output of this expression and delve deeper into the intricacies of the spread operator, its practical applications, and useful insights.

Spread Operator and Its Effect on Strings

The spread operator (...) is a very useful tool in JavaScript, introduced in ES6, that allows an iterable (like an array expression or string) to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments or elements are expected.

When applied to a string, the spread operator splits the string into individual characters. This is more easily visualized with an example:

const str = 'abc';
console.log([...str]); // Output: [ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]

The Spread Operator and the "Length" Property

Getting back to the expression, [...[...'...']].length, provides a way to quickly count the individual characters in a string. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of what happens:

  1. '...' is a string of three dots. The first spread operation [...'...'] splits this string into an array of individual characters, i.e., [ '.', '.', '.' ].
  2. Then, the outer spread operation is applied to this array of individual characters, effectively creating another array that contains the same characters.
  3. Finally, the length property of this final array is accessed, which returns 3, because there are three characters in the array.

So, the correct answer to the quiz question is 3, because the spread operation counted all the characters in the string '...' and stored them as individual elements in an array.

Practical Applications and Best Practices

The spread operator is a powerful tool with numerous ways to be employed effectively. Beyond splitting a string into an array of characters, the spread operator can be used to clone arrays and objects, merge arrays and objects, and pass elements of an array as arguments to a function.

While the spread operator is a handy tool, it's also important to remember the deeper intricacies of JavaScript's memory allocation when it comes to objects and arrays in order to avoid unexpected side-effects or performance issues.

Remember that when you’re spreading an array or object, you’re creating a shallow copy. A shallow copy duplicates as little as possible. A duplicate of the object is created, but if the object contains other objects or arrays, only references to those objects or arrays are copied, not the entire object itself. For primitives (string, number, etc.), this is fine, but if you have complex data structures, you might have to use other ways to deep clone your state.


The correct interpretation of [...[...'...']].length expression in JavaScript brings to light a fundamental understanding of the spread operator’s behavior with strings and the "length" property of an array. Understanding of such concepts will help you not only answer similar quiz questions but also enable you to write more efficient and effective JavaScript code.

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